Powrót Visit to the Republic of Moldova on the execution of the European Court’s judgments

Visit to the Republic of Moldova on the execution of the European Court’s judgments

On 3-5 April, the Department for the Execution of Judgments carried out a mission to the Republic of Moldova. The aim of the visit was to discuss cases pending under the supervision of the Committee of Ministers and to raise awareness of the relevant practice and procedures of the Committee of Ministers and the Department.

The delegation met with:

  • the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Bureau for Reintegration Policies on the actual human rights situation in the Transnistrian region in the context of cases against the Russian Federation (Catan and Others and Mozer) and against the Republic of Moldova (Filin and Negruța);
  • the relevant parliamentary committees as regards the necessity to draft amendments to the Code of Audiovisual Media Services to ensure that the appointment and dismissal procedure of the members of Audiovisual Council, the Supervisory Board and the Director General of the public service broadcaster is in line with Convention standards (Manole and Others); and as regards the monitoring the activity of the Security and Intelligence Service (Ozdil and Others);
  • the Minister of Justice on the challenges the authorities are facing in enforcing domestic courts decisions concerning social housing (Olaru group) and the domestic remedy for compensation for illegal actions of the criminal investigative bodies, prosecution and courts (Șarban). The Minister informed the delegation that a working group established by the Prime minister is currently considering various solutions for the social housing issue. As for the domestic remedy, the authorities are in the process of developing a new law.
  • the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) on the issues related to the investigating judges when ordering detention on remand and on the functioning of the Disciplinary Board of the SCM;
  • the Prosecutor General’s Office on ill-treatment in police custody and lack of effective investigations (Levința group);
  • the National Prison Administration on the situation surrounding the construction of the new prison, transferring the health care from the Prison Administration to the Ministry of Health (Cosovan) and the amendments to the remedy to challenge poor conditions of detention (I.D. group). The possibility of transfer of the health care in prisons was further discussed with the Ministry of Health.
  • the Supreme Court of Justice on the cases pending execution with violations of Article 6 on account of unfair civil and criminal proceedings and on the reopening of domestic proceedings following the European Court’s judgments.
  • the General Police Inspectorate on the criminal-law response to domestic violence and protection offered to victims (T.M. and C.M), as well as on the measures taken to prevent and fight ill-treatment by police officers (Levința group).
  • representatives of the Ombudsman’s Office and of civil society.

 Country factsheet of the Republic of Moldova

Chișinău 16 April 2024
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