Powrót Poland: Conference on the right to a fair trial

Poland: Conference on the right to a fair trial

The Department for the Execution of Judgments participated in the conference Jurisprudence of the ECtHR and shaping the standards concerning the right to a fair trial - 30 years of Polish membership in the Council of Europe, which was organised in Warsaw by the Łazarski University and the Warsaw Bar Council on 10 December. One of the conference’s aims was to commemorate the 30 years of Poland’s membership in the Council of Europe. Poland became a member of the organisation on 26 November 1991.

The conference’s agenda focused on the following topics: The importance and role of the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights in the system of protection of individual rights; Guarantees of a fair civil and criminal trial within the meaning of Art. 6 of the ECHR; and Access to the jurisprudence of the ECtHR as a condition for the effective application of the standards concerning the right to a fair trial.

A representative of the Department made two presentations on: Execution of ECHR judgments and the right to a fair trial in the Polish legal system - successes and challenges, and Disseminating knowledge about the Convention standards and the case-law of the Court in the light of the Committee of Ministers Recommendation CM/Rec(2021)4.

The speakers at the conference, which gathered around 100 participants, included representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the Ombudsman’s Office,  and the Warsaw Bar Council.

 Programme (in Polish)

 Country factsheet - Poland

21 December 2021
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