Atrás The Counsellor for Gender Equality

Purpose: The “Conselheira para a Igualdade” (Counsellor for Equality) is a person of reference appointed by the Cascais City Council to defend Gender Equality.

Stimulus/Rationale: Gender Equality is considered fundamental for local development by Cascais Municipality. The Counsellor for Equality’s role is to eliminate gender stereotypes while promoting citizenship through the elaboration and development of municipal plans for equality, in line with the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life. The Counsellor's competences are:

  1. Monitor and streamline the implementation of local policy measures from a gender perspective;
  2. Monitor and streamline the implementation of measures envisaged in local strategies to promote equality and prevent domestic violence and other forms of discrimination;
  3. Give advice and suggestions on the policies for equality and non-discrimination, maternity and paternity protection, combating domestic violence and other forms of discrimination;
  4. Submit proposals for action;
  5. Raise awareness on gender equality, in particular in the areas of: citizenship education, equality and non-discrimination, maternity and paternity protection, reconciliation of professional, personal and family life for men and women, and combating discrimination. Domestic violence and other forms of discrimination.

Process: In 1998, the city adhered to the challenge launched by the then Commission for Equality and Women's Rights (now CIG: Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality), that established an agreement recognizing the importance of promoting Gender Equality as a fundamental factor for local development. In 2003 the city established its first plan to fight Gender-based Violence and  in 2007 signed the European Charter for Equality between Men and Women. In 2009 a local assessment was held to study the existing discrepancies regarding Equality in Cascais and decide on priority areas. This study was also conducted internally, to assess Cascais municipality as an employer and ensure a safe and enhancing working environment for women. In 2012 the city developed its first Gender Equality Strategy (2012-2022) and a Local Gender Equality Plan. In 2014 Cascais was attributed the “

The role and its attributions  are established in a piece of national legislation followed by the city.

Impact: ...

Key reference documents:

Since 2017 - Ongoing
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