Takaisin Gender-based analysis plus (GBA+)

refers to the notion of intersectionality. It means that, in addition to gender-differentiated analysis, it is important to consider needs and differentiated effects in the light of other circumstances. This concept is used to measure the impact of multiple discrimination on grounds that include gender, class and ethno-cultural background, but also disability, the socio-economic situation of an individual, sexual orientation or gender identity. These factors interconnect, and sometimes reinforce each other, although not always. This concept involves an in-depth analysis which shows, among other things, that a person can be disadvantaged for several reasons and that an overview of identity factors is necessary so as to respond appropriately to the needs of a diverse population.

Apart from gender equality, which is one of the social dimensions to be developed and promoted by the metropolitan authority, if the city's different departments include diversity in their provision of services and their policy decisions, on a daily basis, the resulting tendency will be to de-partition their areas of responsibility in order to propose an integrated approach, implemented from a GBA+ standpoint.

Given the way in which society is evolving, Montreal wants to integrate GBA+ (Gender-based analysis plus) in its modus operandi in order to include diversity in planning and project implementation (policies, action plans, programmes, etc.).

1. Training: Propose compulsory training to the city’s employees, starting with managers, so as to ensure that they fully grasp the concept and in order to change the organisational culture.

2. Develop an implementation guide: in order to assist the administrative units in making use of GBA+ in their project management, analysis tools will have to be developed and put at their disposal.

Assess projects which incorporate GBA+: the aim will be to assess how a given department (SMVT, SGPI and SDSS) has taken on board GBA+ in a project, with a view to evaluating the use made of this concept in the planning, decision-making and implementation process. This assessment should encompass analysis of the quality of GBA+ application and the ownership level within the department, the pitfalls to be avoided and best practices. The Office for Major Projects (infrastructure projects ) will be a priority contributor here.

We propose to target three key departments as of 2019, i.e. the Department for Social Diversity and Sport (SDSS), the Department for Real Estate Management and Planning (SGPI) and the Department for Territorial Enhancement (SMVT), and one borough. The Office for Major Protects will also be involved.

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