Назад Peer-to-Peer Project Addiction Aid for Refugees

Purpose: Drug prevention for refugees



The project targets refugees and provides training in drug prevention and addiction aid. The training programme is elaborated within an intercultural and participative dialogue with the peer helpers. It enables help to be given to other refugees at risk of dependency.

The trained peer helpers inform refugees on-site about the risks of drug consumption and accompany, if necessary, the person concerned to the local Drug Advisory Services. Individual advice and informative events are organised in refugee accommodation.

The peer helpers are an important connector for people who are difficult to reach through the drug help system. They ensure that healthcare is accessible for everyone. Furthermore, the peer helpers themselves are empowered and further qualified concerning their communication skills.

Peers receive further training on the topics of the addiction support system, addictive substances and the legal situation and are regularly supported by the addiction counselling centres. The work of the peers is voluntary. They receive an expense allowance and a certificate, as well as an insight into the addiction support system and social work in Berlin.


Key reference documentshttp://vistaberlin.de/index.php?id=709

2017 onwards
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