Freedom of expression is a fundamental pillar of democracy, and it is also a right that must be actively upheld and defended. Safeguarding this fundamental right helps to guarantee independence of media, access to information and quality of journalism.
In this spirit, the Council of Europe and the European Union have launched the project “Promoting Freedom of Expression in Albania through Open Dialogue”. The introductory meeting, held at the University of Tirana’s Department of Journalism and Communication, marked the first step towards the creation of an inclusive and open dialogue. This platform brings together public institutions, media professionals, journalists, civil society, academia, and experts to foster a more transparent and accountable media landscape in Albania.
The discussions focused on three main pillars, in line with the project’s objectives and Albania’s requirements to access the European Union:
- media ownership and independent journalism ;
- safety of journalists and press freedom violations ;
- access to information and institutional transparency
The event was opened by Silvio Gonzato, EU Ambassador to Albania, who stated that “This project is an opportunity for a truly whole-of-society approach to the reforms Albania needs to adopt in the media sector. All relevant stakeholders can come together to decide on the best model that fits the Albanian context, drawing from the best practices and standards found in Member States within the European Union. The EU is committed to supporting Albania in this complex exercise. There is no road towards EU integration without freedom of expression as a fundamental right in a democratic society.” Elona BANO, Director of Integration and Negotiations at the Ministry of Justice of Albania, provided insights into Albania’s ongoing journey toward strengthening freedom of expression and media pluralism. Irena GUIDIKOVA, Head of the Democratic Institutions and Freedoms Department at the Council of Europe outlined the main European standards and initiatives which will provide the basis and guidance for the project.
Participants raised their concerns and explored the methodology of the process, to engage in constructive discussions, map key challenges, and define concrete actions. The next steps focus on structure thematic groups, attribute responsibilities, define priorities and fix a timeline.
The exchange of views highlighted the challenges that Albania’s media environment is facing and the need for improved regulatory frameworks and stronger institutional commitments to media freedom. The concrete measures and reforms emerging from this process should be in line with European standards and reflect the specific challenges of the Albanian context.
Beyond the government’s commitment to engage in a collaborative process, the need for political will and technical expertise, the process must drive a cultural shift toward greater transparency, accountability, freedoms of expression and independence of media.
The Project “Promoting Freedom of Expression in Albania Through Open Dialogue” (January 2025 to December 2026) is implemented by the Council of Europe’s Division for Cooperation on Freedom of Expression and co-funded by the Council of Europe and the European Union and aims to foster a resilient and independent media sector, in line with the Council of Europe standards and facilitating Albania’s accession to the European Union.