Voltar Media Pluralism – how can we deliver? 20 March 2019

Media Pluralism – how can we deliver? 20 March 2019

Media in all its forms shapes our daily lives more than ever – widely distributed across various, increasingly online platforms, it impacts the way we work and relax, how we inform and educate ourselves, how we engage in civic participation and social life.In the quest for a diet of accurate and reliable news, media literacy is often considered the ‘silver bullet’ in the fight against online disinformation and practically all evil in our information space. But is that really the case? And, if so, why and how exactly?

On the occasion of the European Week of Media Literacy, the Council of Europe and Reporters Without Borders invite to a conference: Media Pluralism – how can we deliver?

The conference will provide an insight into updated standards on media pluralism, ownership and literacy included in the Council of Europe’s Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)1 on media pluralism and transparency of media ownership, and ideas for embedding those standards into practice. Reaching beyond Europe, the conference will focus on the Southern Neighbourhood in particular and provide an ‘East-meets-West’ platform for exchange.

  • Dates: 19 March – upon invitation, 20 March – free entry.
  • Programme
  • Registration is now open click here.

Save the date and see you in Strasbourg!

headline Strasbourg 1 February 2019
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Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights