Voltar Norwegian start-ups learn about Council of Europe’s policies on AI

Norwegian start-ups learn about Council of Europe’s policies on AI

On the 6th of May 2022, Patrick Penninckx. Head of the Information Society Department has presented the latest Council of Europe Policy Developments on Artificial intelligence to the participants in the NORA start-up event, organised in Kristiansand. In his speech, the Council of Europe official has reviewed latest technological developments, analysed their impact on human rights, democracy and the rule of law and presented in detail the Council of Europe policy responses to these developments. In particular he informed participants on the ongoing work of the Council of Europe Committee on Artificial Intelligence mandated to elaborate an appropriate legal instrument on the development, design, and application of artificial intelligence systems based on the Council of Europe’s standards on human rights, democracy and the rule of law, and conducive to innovation. He also presented the Council of Europe cooperation with technological companies and their associations.

NORA, the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium,  the organiser of a series of events for the Norwegian start-ups, is a collaboration between eight Norwegian universities (NMBU, OsloMet, UiA, UiB, UiO, UiS, UiT and USN), three university colleges (BI, HiØ and HK) and four research institutes (NORCE, Simula, SINTEF and WNRI).

Kristiansand 6 May 2022
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