Voltar Strasbourg municipality focuses on the Metaverse

Strasbourg municipality focuses on the Metaverse

The Strasbourg municipality organised a debate on the impacts of the Metaverse on the society and the city in the European Information Centre “Lieu d’Europe” on 31st of May 2022. In his presentation, Patrick Penninckx, the Head of the Information Society Department of the Council of Europe has reviewed the genesis of the Metaverse, as a virtual reality enabled by AI, reflected on immediate challenges it poses to the society as well as potential long terms impacts and imparted possible approaches to render metaverse human-rights-compliant and democracy-friendly. The event featured also Sélim-Alexandre Arad - Data Protection Officer at the Strasbourg City Council and the Eurometropole, Régis Chatellier - Head of prospective studies at CNIL and Marie Ackerman - Digital economy lawyer at Apini.

Strasbourg 1 June 2022
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