Draft order of Business
  Morning Afternoon

28 June

14h00 to 18h00

No session Items: 1; 2; 3.1; 3.2; 6

29 June

9h30 to 18h00

Items: 5.2; 5.3; 5.4; 5.5; 4 Items: 7.2; 7.3; 7.4; 7.5; 7.6; 7.7; 7.8; 7.9; 7.10;  7.12

30 June

9h15 to 18h00

Items:5.1 (workshop) Items:5.1 ( workshop - continued); 8; 9.1; 9.2; 9.3; 7.1

1 July

9h30 to 13h00

7.11; Finalisation of pending items; 10;
No session
1. Opening of the meeting by Jan Kleijssen, Director, Information Society and Action against Crime
2. Adoption of the agenda

CDMSI (2016)OJ1rev7

Draft agenda

For decision
Adopt the agenda

3. Standard setting
3.1 Committee of experts on Media Pluralism and Transparency of Media Ownership (MSI-MED)


Report of the 1st meeting of the MSI-MED (22-23 March 2016)

For discussion
Take note of information on 1st meeting of the MSI-MED. Discuss on the work progress of the Committee of Experts.
Hold elections for a national expert replacing an outgoing member.

MSI-MED(2016)06 Hard copies distributed
in the room

Draft outline for the draft Recommendation on media pluralism and transparency of media ownership.


Issue mapping non-paper prepared by the Secretariat on a feasibility study on a standard-setting instrument on media coverage of elections, with a specific focus on gender equality, and the use of the Internet in elections

3.2 Committee of experts on Internet Intermediaries (MSI-NET)


Report of the 1st meeting of the MSI-NET (17-18 March 2016)

For discussion
Take note of information on 1st meeting of the MSI-NET. Discuss on the work progress of the Committee of Experts

MSI-NET (2016)05

Draft recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Internet intermediaries – draft structure



Study on human rights dimensions of algorithms - Draft structure


4. Cooperation activities


Completed and ongoing projects in the field of media and freedom of expression

For information and discussion
Take note of information provided by Secretariat and discuss

5. Implementation of Council of Europe adopted standards and best practices
5.1 Workshop on implementation of Council of Europe standards on safety of journalists


Compilation and analysis of replies received from CDMSI members on the implementation of Council of Europe relevant standards on safety of journalists

For discussion and decision 
Hold a workshop on the topic. Decide on best practices to be elaborated.Task the Secretariat to provide a report on the workshop and to prepare a compilation of best practices on the protection of journalism and safety of journalists for the next plenary meeting.



Description and programme of workshop

"How to Strengthen Soft Powers for Press Freedom: National Human Rights Institutions", report by J.Barata

Report of the Workshop

Rapporteur's conclusions: workshop on How to protect journalists and other media actors in Europe: implementing the Council of Europe’s standards



5.2 Initiatives in member States


Ukraine – Communication -National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting

For information and discussion
Take note and, where necessary, discuss the issues.


Reporting form on developments in member States

Agree on the form

5.3 Defamation


Freedom of expression and defamation: A study of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights

For information
Take note of progress made

5.4 Fear in journalism


Study “Journalists at Risk: part of the job? “ Unwarranted interference, fear and self-sencorship among journalists in CoE member States

For discussion
Take note of information by the Secretariat. Discuss a possible exchange of views with the expert of the study at the next meeting

5.5. Internet governance


Secretary General’s final report on the Council of Europe Internet Governance Strategy 2012-2015

For discussion
Take note of the report.


Discuss the role of CDMSI in respect of follow-up of the Strategy, in particular the Forum for dialogue with Internet private sector (previously called Platform)


Implementation table

Council of Europe Internet Governance Strategy 2016-2019

EuroDIG - programme

European Dialogue on Internet Governance (9-10 June 2016, Brussels)

For information
Take note of information by members and the Secretariat on the 2016 edition of EuroDIG and the 2016 meeting of the IGF and discuss.

1st IGF MAG open consultation meeting - Summary Internet Governance Forum (Guadalajara, 6-9 Dec 2016)
6. Data protection


Terms of Reference of CAHDATA
Report of the 2016 CAHDATA meeting

For discussion
Take note of information provided by the Secretariat


Consolidated text of the modernised version of Convention 108 (with reservations)


Abridged Report of the 38th meeting of the Bureau of the T-PD (22-24 March 2016)

T-PD(2016)04rev Draft Recommendation on the protection of health data  
T-PD-BUR(2015)12Rev Draft Guidelines on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in a world of Big Data
T-PD-BUR(2015)11rev2 Draft opinion on Passengers Name Records
T-PD(2016)02rev Draft practical guide on the use of personal data in the police sector
7. Work of other Council of Europe institutions and bodies
7.1 Secretary General’s initiatives


Comparative study on blocking, filtering and take-down of Internet content in the 47 member States

For information
Take note of the publication of the Study and of information by the Secretariat

Take note of the report and conclusions of the meeting of Ministers’ Deputies on 29 June on follow-up to the 3rd Annual Report.


3rd Annual Report of the Secretary General on the Human Rights Democracy and the Rule of Law

7.2 Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers


Priorities for the Estonian chairmanship of the CM

For discussion
Take note of the priorities and discuss CDMSI representation in activities

7.3 Thematic Co-ordinator on Information Policy – TC/Inf


Activities of the TC/Inf to promote the work of the Council of Europe on media and information society.

For discussion
Exchange views with the TC/Inf

7.4 Committee of Ministers


Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on protecting and promoting the right to freedom of expression and the right to private life with regard to network neutrality

For information
Take note of the adoption by the Committee of Ministers of these texts and of envisaged follow-up

Take note of information provided by the Secretariat on the Conference on Internet Freedom – Constant Factor of Democratic Security in Europe, 9 September 2016, Strasbourg


Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other media actors


Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on Internet freedom 

Draft programme
of the conference
Strategy Council of Europe Internet Governance Strategy 2016-2019  
CM/Rec(2016)3 Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)3 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on human rights and business  
7.5 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

Rec 2089(2016)

Recommendation 2089(2016) “Intellectual property rights in the digital era”

For decision
Finalise and approve the CDMSI comments

Rec 2074(2015)
CM reply

Committee of Ministers reply to Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 2074 (2015) “Increasing transparency of media ownership”

For information
Take note of the replies.

Rec 2075(2015)
CM reply

Committee of Ministers reply to Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 2075 (2015) “Media responsibility and ethics in a changing media environment”

Rec 2085(2016)

CDMSI comments on PACE Recommendation 2085(2016) Strengthening the protection and role of human rights defenders in Council of Europe member States

For information
Take note of the state of play

7.6 Commissioner for Human Rights


2015 Annual activity report

For discussion
Exchange views with the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights

7.7 European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)

General Policy Recommendation

ECRI General Policy Recommendation Combatting Hate Speech

For discussion
Exchange views with the Executive Secretary to ECRI on possible synergies between the work of the two organs

7.8 Steering Committee for Heritage, Culture and Landscape (CDCPP)

CM/ Rec(2016)2

Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the Internet of citizens

For information
Take note of information

7.9 European Committee on Legal co-operation (CDCJ)

Draft recommendation

Draft Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the legal regulation of lobbying activities in the context of public decision-making.
CDMSI comments

For information
Take note of the state of play.

7.10 Committee of Experts on terrorism (CODEXTER)

Abridged report

CM Rec(2005)10

CODEXTER meeting 8-10 April 2016
Recommendation Rec(2005)10 of the Committee of Ministers to Member states on "special investigation techniques" in relation to serious crimes including acts of terrorism

For discussion
Take note of information by Maja Raković, representative of the CDMSI to the CODEXTER and discuss

 7.11 European Audio-visual Observatory

Hard copies in the room

-Territoriality and impact on European works
-Smart tv and data protection

-On demand services and the material scope of the AVMSD.

For discussion
Exchange views with representatives of the Observatory

7.12 Participation of CDMSI members in meetings and events


High-level Launching Conference on the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child 2016-2021, Sofia, 5-6 April 2016

For information
Take note of information provided by CDMSI members who participated in these events.


Conference on national parliaments’ role in improving freedom, independence, transparency and diversity of media, London 11 April 2016


SEEDIG - Belgrade


TC-Y and Conference (May)

8. Other organisations
8.1 European Union

COM(2016) 287/4

COM(2016) 288/2




Audio-visual Media Service Directive (AVMSD) Reform and Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Online Platforms and the Digital Single Market - State of play

EC public consultation for the 2016 annual colloquium on Fundamental Rights on "Media pluralism and democracy"  17-18/11/2016

For information and discussion
Exchange views with the EC representatives


EU Presidency priorities


9. CDMSI work programme and working methods
9.1     Draft work programme/roadmap


Draft work programme/roadmap

For discussion
Discuss and agree on follow-up.

9.2     Reflection on a future ministerial conference

Resolution CM/Res(2011)7

Resolution CM/Res(2011)7 on Council of Europe conferences of specialised ministers

For discussion
Discuss the desirability of organising a conference of ministers responsible for media and information society.

9.3 Evaluation of co-operation of NGOs  with the Council of Europe in standard setting and monitoring


Report by the Directorate of Internal oversight of the Council of Europe

For information
Take note of information provided by the Secretariat

10. Any other business
11. Abridged report


Abridged report of the 10th CDMSI meeting

For decision
Adopt the abridged report of the meeting

General reference documents

Terms of Reference

CDMSI terms of reference 2014-2015

Terms of Reference

CDMSI terms of reference 2016-2017

Terms of reference

MSI-MED terms of reference 2016-2017

Terms of reference

MSI-NET terms of reference 2016-2017


Resolution CM/Res(2011)24 on intergovernmental committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods


List and timetable of meetings relevant to the CDMSI in 2016 – up-dated as of 26/04/2016

Political declaration and resolutions

Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society – Freedom of Expression and Democracy in the Digital Age – Opportunities, Rights, Responsibilities. Adopted Political Declaration and Resolutions


Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society (Belgrade, 7-8 November 2013) – Report of the Secretary General

CM Decisions

Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society (Belgrade, 7-8 November 2013) – Decisions of the Committee of Ministers

Recent meeting reports


Report of the 8th meeting of the Bureau of the CDMSI (3-4 November 2015)


Report of the 9th CDMSI meeting ( 8-11 December 2015)


Report of the 9th meeting of the Bureau of the CDMSI (19-20 May 2016)