Draft order of Business
  Morning Afternoon

8 December

14h00 to 18h00

No session Items:

1; 2; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;

8; 5.1

9 December

9h30 to 18h00

Items: 6.1; 7.1; 7.2 Items:

4; 7.3; 7.4; 7.5


10 December

9h30 to 18h00


10.1; 10.2;

11.1; 11.2; 11.3



5.1; 6.1, 7.2 (if needed)


11 December

9h30 to 13h00

Finalisation of pending items; (13);
No session
1. Opening of the meeting
2. Adoption of the agenda

Draft agenda

For decision

Adopt the agenda.

3. Information by the Chair and the Secretariat

3.1 Draft Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)___of the Committee of Ministers to member States on protecting and promoting the right to freedom of expression and the right to private life with regard to network neutrality

[Draft] Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)___of the Committee of Ministers to member States on protecting and promoting the right to freedom of expression and the right to private life with regard to network neutrality [ CM(2015)119 ]

For information
Take note of the state of play.

3.2 Council of Europe Conference on “Freedom of Expression – still a precondition for democracy?” – Strasbourg, 13-14 October 2015

Council of Europe Conference on “Freedom of Expression – still a precondition for democracy?” – Strasbourg, 13-14 October 2015

Report of the conference

For discussion
Discuss follow-up on the outcomes of the conference.

3.3 New mandate of the CDMSI

Terms of reference of the CDMSI for 2016-2017, Terms of reference of the MSI-NET, Terms of reference of the MSI-MED [ CDMSI(2015)022 ]

For information and decision

Take note of information provided by the Secretariat on the state of play with regard to the new mandate of the CDMSI and its subordinate committees. Subject to decisions by the Committee of Ministers, invite CDMSI members to agree on the composition of MSI-MED and MSI-NET.

Draft composition of the Committee of experts on Media Pluralism and Transparency of Media Ownership – MSI-MED [ CDMSI(2015)019 (in process) ]

Draft composition of the Committee of experts on Internet Intermediaries – MSI-NET [CDMSI(2015)020 (in process)]

4. Implementation of Council of Europe adopted standards
Compilation and analysis of replies received from CDMSI members on the implementation of Council of Europe relevant standards on safety of journalists [ CDMSI(2015)018 ] For decision
Decide on follow-up having regard to the new mandate of the CDMSI.
5. Media standard setting

5.1 Committee of experts on protection of journalism and safety of journalists (MSI-JO) 

Report of the 4th meeting of the MSI-JO (17-18 September 2015) [ MSI-JO(2015)06 ]

For decision
Discuss the draft, approve it, and transmit it to the Committee of Ministers for possible adoption.

Draft Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)___of the Committee of Ministers to member States on “safety of journalists and other media actors” [ MSI-JO(2014)11rev ]

6. Internet standard setting

6.1.Committee of Experts on cross-border flow of Internet traffic and Internet freedom (MSI-INT)

Report of the 4th  meeting of the MSI-INT (7-8 September 2015) [ MSI-INT (2015)07 ]

For decision

Discuss the draft Recommendation, approve it, and transmit it to the Committee of Ministers for possible adoption.

Take note of the explanatory memorandum to the draft recommendation and decide to transmit it to the Committee of Ministers, together with the draft recommendation to be taken note of.

Discuss the draft report on freedom of assembly and association on the Internet.

Draft Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)___of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Internet freedom [ MSI-INT(2014)13rev6 ]

Draft explanatory memorandum to the draft recommendation CM/Rec__ of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Internet freedom [MSI-INT(2015)06rev ]

Draft report on freedom of assembly and association on the Internet [ MSI-INT (2014)08 rev5 ]

7. Internet governance

5.1 Council of Europe Internet Governance Strategy 2012-2015

Oversight of the implementation of the Council of Europe Internet Governance Strategy 2012-2015 [ CDMSI(2015)009Rev ]

For discussion

Consider the  information by the Secretariat on the state of play of the implementation of the Strategy and give guidance to its assessment.

7.2 Council of Europe Internet Governance Strategy 2016-2019

Draft Council of Europe Internet Governance Strategy 2016-2019 [ CDMSI(2015)010REV2 ]

For discussion and decision
Discuss the draft strategy, and transmit it to the Committee of Ministers for possible adoption.

Appendix to the Draft Council of Europe Internet Governance Strategy 2016-2019 - activities

7.3 European Dialogue on Internet Governance and Internet Governance Forum (João Pessoa, Brazil, on 10-13 November 2015)

EuroDIG 2016 (Brussels, 9-10 June 2016) - Message from Sofia

For discussion

Discuss information provided by Secretariat on the state of play of the preparation of the 2016 edition of EuroDIG.

Discuss information provided by the CDMSI members and by the Secretariat who attended the IGF 2015.

Internet Governance Forum (João Pessoa, Brazil, on 10-13 November 2015)

7.4 Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

ICANN 54th Meeting  (8-22 October, Dublin) - GAC Communiqué

For discussion
Discuss information provided by the UK representative regarding the GAC meeting, at the ICANN 54th Meeting  (8-22 October, Dublin).

7.5 Review of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

United Nations General Assembly’s Overall Review of the Implementation of WSIS Outcomes

Outcome document (restricted at the time of preparing this agenda)

For information

8. Data protection

Abridged report of the 32nd Plenary meeting of the T-PD (1-3 July 2015) [T-PD(2015)RAP32Abr ]

Draft abridged report of the 36th T-PD Bureau meeting (6-8 October 2015) [ T-PD-BUR(2015)Rap36Abr ]

Presentation report on the possible update of the Recommendation n° R (97) 5 on the protection of medical data [ T-PD(2015)07 ]

Draft Recommendation on the protection of health data [ T-PD-BUR(2015)06 ]

Passenger Name Records, data mining & data protection: the need for strong safeguards - Council of Europe’s report by Mr Douwe Korff and Ms. Marie Georges [ T-PD(2015)11 ]

Report: People and data - Fundamental rights and freedoms in a world of massive data [ T-PD-BUR(2015)09 ]

Draft opinion on Passenger Name Records (PNR), data mining and data protection (French only) [T-PD-BUR(2015)05 ]

For information

Take note of information provided by the Secretariat with regard to follow-up activities on:

  • the Modernisation of Convention 108
  • the Revision of the Recommendation R(97) 5 on the protection of Medical Data - to be adopted by the T-PD at its 33rd Plenary meeting (29 June-1 July 2016)
  • Other ongoing work (big data, PNR, automatic exchange of data).
9. Co-operation activities

Accomplished and ongoing projects in the field of media and freedom of expression and activities related to the Guide on human rights for Internet users. [ MEDIA-COOP(2015)007 ]

For discussion

Discuss information provided by Secretariat on co-operation activities in the field of media and information society. 

10. CDMSI work programme and working methods

10.1 Drafting committees

Proposal by the Bureau in respect of CDMSI drafting committees [ CDMSI(2014)Misc12 ]

Work plan established by the drafting committee on public service media [ref]

For discussion

Discuss information provided by the drafting committee on Public service media. Decide on follow-up having regard to the new mandate of the CDMSI.

10.2 Evaluation of NGOs participation in Steering Committees

Questionnaire by Council of Europe Directorate of Internal Oversight

For information

11. Information about the work of other organisations and other Council of Europe bodies
11. Work of other Council of Europe institutions and bodies

11.1 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

PACE Recommendation 2073 (2015) Improving the protection of whistle-blowers [PACE Rec 2073 (2015) ]

Comments of the CDMSI on the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 2073 (2015) Improving the protection of whistle-blowers [CDMSI(2015)015rev]

Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 2074(2015) “Increasing transparency of media ownership” [PACE Rec2074 (2015) ]

Comments of the CDMSI on the Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 2074(2015) “Increasing transparency of media ownership” [CDMSI(2015)013rev]

Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 2075 (2015) on Media Responsibility and Ethics in a Changing Media Environment [ PACE Rec 2075 (2015) ]

Comments of the CDMSI on the Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 2075 (2015) on Media Responsibility and Ethics in a Changing Media Environment [ CDMSI(2015)014 ]

Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 2077 (2015) “Increasing co-operation against cyberterrorism and other large-scale attacks on the Internet” [ PACE Rec 2077 (2015) ]

Comments of the CDMSI of the Council of Europe on the Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 2077 (2015) “Increasing co-operation against cyberterrorism and other large-scale attacks on the Internet” [ CDMSI(2015)016rev ]

For information

Take note of the CM reply to PACE Recommendation 2067 (2015) Mass Surveillance.

Take note of the state of play of the four CDMSI comments on PACE Recommendations.

Committee of Ministers reply to Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 2067 (2015) Mass Surveillance [CM/AS(2015)Rec2067]

11.2 Commissioner for Human Rights

Democratic and effective oversight of national security services

For information
Take note of information provided by the Secretariat


Nomination of a CDMSI representative to address special investigation techniques, CODEXTER (2015) 8 (restricted at the time of preparing this agenda)

For discussion
Prepare discussion, if necessary, on the information by Maja Raković, representative of the CDMSI in the CODEXTER
12. Representation of CDMSI in meetings of other committees and events
Internet and Jurisdiction Project Meeting – Berlin, 8-9/10/2015

For information
Take note of the report by CDMSI Bureau members and the Secretariat on meetings of other committees and events.

Expert Workshop on Media Freedom and Responsibilities in the Context of Counter-Terrorism Policies, Bucharest, 7-8/10/2015

Internet Governance Forum, Bosnia Herzegovina

Ad Hoc Committee of Experts on legal, operational and technical standards for e-voting (CAHVE), Strasbourg, 28-29/10/2015

“Parliaments and Public Service Media in the Enlargement Countries” 24-25 September 2015 - Zagreb

  • Conclusions
  • Agenda
  • Link

International Conference on Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, (Costa Rica, 9-10 October 2015)

13. Elections

Note on the elections of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Bureau members at 9th CDMSI meeting [ CDMSI(2015)017 ]

For decision

Elect the Chair, Vice-Chair and the members of the Bureau of the CDMSI.

14. Any other business
15. Abridged report of the 9th meeting

Abridged report of the 9th meeting of the CDMSI

For decision

Consider and adopt the abridged report of the meeting.

General reference documents

Recent meeting reports