“Reinforcing gender equality and other ethical standards in Azerbaijani media” project

The Council of Europe project “Reinforcing gender equality and other ethical standards in Azerbaijani media” aims to promote gender equality and other ethical standards in and through media in Azerbaijan.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • Review the national legal framework on media from a gender equality perspective and provide recommendations to bring these in line with the Council of Europe standards
  • Survey data collection on gender in Azerbaijani media including detailed statistics on women’s employment in the media sector and research on women in Azerbaijani media
  • Strengthen capacity of Azerbaijan Press Council on gender equality and other ethical issues in media and promote the Council of Europe standards on gender equality and media freedom among journalists and media professionals in Baku and regions
  • Improve the quality of journalism education by developing textbooks on “Journalism ethics” and “Gender equality and media freedom”
  • Raising awareness of legal professionals (judges, lawyers, advocates, prosecutors as well as law students) and train them on the CoE standards on gender equality, media freedom and freedom of expression

All project activities are implemented in consultation and cooperation with the relevant public authorities, national and international consultants, academia and civil society.