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Croatia, National chapter

Journalists Matter, Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists

The Council of Europe encourages member states to transpose the Campaign to the national context. Without each member’s committed and effective effort at national level, through the development of the so-called ‘national chapter’, the Campaign cannot reach its goals.

In this section, we will present developments in Croatia:

National Focal Points

Ms Jasna VANICEK-FILA, Director, Directorate for Media and Development of Cultural and Creative Industries
Ms Nives ZVONARIC, Head of Media Sector, Ministry of Culture and Media

National Campaign Committee

The National Coordination Committee for the Implementation of Measures of the Action Plan for the Development of Culture and Media of Croatia, established in March 2024 integrates the Journalists Matter Campaign along with the OSCE one.

Further details regarding the committee's formation and objectives can be found at the following link: National Coordination Committee Establishment Announcement.

The National Coordination Committee comprises approximately 40 stakeholders, including key experts, journalists, editors-in-chief, media publishers, representatives of professional associations, non-profit media entities, public broadcasters, academic experts from various faculties, representatives from relevant government ministries, and legal experts. The committee aims to generate specific proposals for the implementation of measures outlined in the national campaign to enhance journalist safety.

Moving forward, committee members are urged to continue collaborative efforts in implementing the National Action Plan for the media sector and spearheading initiatives to enhance journalist safety and safeguard the rights of media workers.

The National and Action Plan for the Development of Culture and Media represents a significant milestone in Croatia's strategic planning for the cultural and media sectors. Adopted by the Government of the Republic of Croatia at the end of December 2023, this comprehensive document outlines the strategic direction and objectives for the period from 2023 to 2027. Covering the entire spectrum of the culture and media landscape, the National Plan serves as a medium-term framework, encompassing development requirements, goals, indicators, financial considerations, and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation. Embedded within this overarching framework is the Action Plan, which delineates specific measures and outcome indicators, with a particular focus on the media sector. In the realm of media, the plan articulates objectives aimed at enhancing the status of the journalistic profession, fostering a conducive environment for media pluralism, and providing effective support for the culture and media sector. Notably, this plan marks a significant departure from past approaches, representing the first umbrella strategic document for the media sector in Croatia since the adoption of the Strategy for Cultural Development in 2003, which regrettably was not systematically implemented.