
Specific risks

Measures to avert/remedy risks

Persons involved in killings of, attacks on and ill-treatment of journalists and other media actors are not brought to justice, leading to a culture of impunity.

  • Investigations are effective (capable of leading to the establishment of the facts, the identification and, if appropriate, punishment of those responsible) and respect the essential requirements of:
  • adequacy;
  • independence;
  • thoroughness;
  • promptness;
  • openness to public scrutiny/accessibility to the victims or their families.
  • Practical/operational requirements to stem impunity are put in place:
  • specialised investigation units with expertise in international human rights are established;
  • independence and impartiality of the judiciary is ensured;
  • the safety of judges, prosecutors, lawyers and witnesses is safeguarded;
  • legislation is reviewed with a view to introduce aggravated penalties, removal of limitation periods for the prosecution of and limiting amnesties and pardons for crimes involving illtreatment by state agents, crimes against freedom of expression and for obstruction of justice.
  • Where investigations and prosecutions do not result in bringing to justice the perpetrators, special judicial or non-judicial inquiries / inquiries by independent specialised bodies are carried out.

Reference texts and other relevant sources

Valuable practices and initiatives which provide guidance in this area

Suggestions for implementation