Co-operation projects in Hungary

Voltar Hungarian media legislation

Strasbourg 25/07/2013
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Implementation of the law ruling the selection process of a new President of the National Media and Infocommunication Authority / Media Council in accordance with Council of Europe standards

Hungarian media legislation: Implementation of the law ruling the selection process of a new President of the National Media and Info communication Authority / Media Council in accordance with Council of Europe standards

"1.       Given that Sections 111/A(2) and (2a) of the Media Act were amended to take effect on 1 August 2013, which is well  after the relevant civil organisations were invited to propose names for consideration for the appointment of the President of the Media Authority, and that these sections provide legislative guidance on the criteria to be applied when appointing the President, the same civil organisations should be written to again inviting them to review their proposals. If they wish, they may substitute or add names.

a.       the proposing bodies should get consent for the publication of the names of proposed individuals; if anyone does not provide consent, the total number of individuals who have not given consent should be published.

b.      The proposing bodies should be given a deadline for the submission of names and consents, bearing in mind the August holidays.

c.       The names (and the number of any candidates who have not consented for publication of their names, if any) should be published.

2.       Once the names have been submitted, the Prime Minister or his appointed state leader should meet individually with each of the candidates to assess their suitability for the position against the following criteria:

a.       Technical knowledge;

b.      Understanding of regulation;

c.       Leadership qualities;

d.      Evidence of independent thinking;

e.      Any other criteria which the Prime Minister considers important so long as the criteria are communicated in advance to all the candidates.

3.       A clear timetable should be set for the process, including the time by which the Prime Minister should make his recommendation to the President."

"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights