Cooperation project “Integration of European standards in the Ukrainian Media Environment” funded by the voluntary contribution from Canada has been successfully accomplished in May 2015. The project lasted for two years and focused on:

  • promoting freedom of expression and information in Ukraine via aligning the legal framework for the media with international standards;
  • supporting policy work on Internet and human rights issues;
  • raising professional and ethical standards in journalism, capacity-building for the media and the relevant civil society groups, thus improving quality and availability of information for society

The project was an extremely productive and successful cooperation between Ukrainian media professionals and Council of Europe. It has directly promoted and positively influenced freedom of expression and information in Ukraine, its major achievements being the adoption of the law “On the System of Public Broadcasting” in April 2014, further amendments to “Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning Public Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine” on 19 March 2015 and the adoption of a unified ethical code for journalists in October - December 2013.

"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights