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National Initiatives on Safety of Journalists

National Action Plan: Defending free speech - measures to protect journalists, elected representatives and artists from exposure to threats and hatred

Sweden 2018

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The Government of Sweden adopted the action plan on defending free speech in the context of a more systematic effort to safeguard and thereby strenghten the democratic discourse...

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National Action Plan for the safety of media professionals in Switzerland

Switzerland 2023

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The Action Plan for the safety of media professionals in Switzerland comprises nine specific measures in the areas of awareness-raising and prevention, protection and support in...

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Expert Working Group for the Suppression of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP)

Croatia 2021

The Ministry of Culture and Media established the Expert Working Group for the Suppression of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) in mid-2021, following the European...

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Journalists’ Support Fund

Finland 2019

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: A fund established by the Union of Journalists and media houses aimed at helping journalists that suffer from harassment or threats. WEBSITE:...

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Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) operating in the UK

United Kingdom

The refreshed National Action Plan also reflects the emerging threat of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) to journalists operating in the UK. A SLAPPs Taskforce, led by DCMS...

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Belgium 2019

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: A hotline to report aggression against journalists, and other education and cooperation initiatives WEBSITE: https://www.persveilig.be/

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Public Inquiry Commission for Daphne Caruana Galizia

Malta 2019

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: To investigate the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia and to consider responsibility, fault, and retribution, but also to determine whether the State has fulfilled or is...

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Amendments to the Criminal Code of North Macedonia

North Macedonia 2023

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Under the amended legislation, threats and attacks on journalists are treated as attacks on public officials, punishable with longer prison sentences; cases which could be...

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Croatia's National coordination committee for implementation of measures of the Media development Action Plan

Croatia 2024

The national coordination committee for implementation of measures of the Media development Action Plan and the Council of Europe and OSCE Campaign for the safety of journalists plans several...

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Implementation of the "CloserToTheNews" project, towards a better understanding of the role of the press and journalists for democratic society

Netherlands 2024

The project “CloserToTheNews” started in 2024 with concrete actions, studies and activities. The approach used is similar to the approach that the Media Literacy Network has been successfully using...

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Launch of the initiative "Journalists Matter" for the protection and safety of journalists in Cyprus

Cyprus 3 April 2023 Nicosia

Cypriot Press and Information Office launched the "Journalists Matter" initiative ahead of the Council of Europe's campaign for the safety of journalists, to be launched in the fall of 2023....

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Rechtsdienst Journalismus

Austria 2022

ASSOCIATION INVOLVED: the Austrian Presseclub Concordia BRIEF DESCRIPTION: A programme to provide legal support for journalists. Support is provided through training, individual legal information...

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Identification of actions areas and measures towards protection of journalists

Switzerland 2024

As part of its National Action Plan, Switzerland has set out three action areas with a total of nine implementation measures. The action areas are logically divided with regard to their...

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Raising student awareness initiatives on the role of journalists and press freedom

Netherlands 2024

‘Journalist in the Class’ was organized for schools in mid April under the project “CloserToTheNews”. Journalists came to class, or classes visited a newsroom. A total of 70 workshops and tours...

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Initiatives on legislation at parliamentary level

Italy 2024

Italy is currently carrying discussions on parliamentary legislative initiatives. Among these, the bill. 1447 for the establishment of the National Day in memory of journalists killed while...

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Armenia launch training on Crisis Communication and Crisis Reporting

Armenia 2024

On May 14-15, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as part of the Safety of Journalists campaign launched by the Council of Europe, organized an important training course on "Crisis Communication and...

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The implementation of the Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists in Ukraine


The implementation of the Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists "Journalists Matter" in Ukraine is envisaged by item 57 of the Work Plan of the Ministry of Culture and...

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"Journalists Matter" Campaign  in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina 11-12 June 2024  Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

(anglais seulement) The Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists - Journalists Matter has been presented within the 4th meeting of the Steering committee of the project "Enhancing...

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Free legal assistance for journalists and other media actors in Ukraine

Ukraine 24 May 2024 Ukraine

On May 24th, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, in cooperation with the NGO “Human Rights Platform,” has initiated the provision of free legal assistance for journalists and...

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Gala for Excellence in Journalism in Bucharest

Romania 29 February 2024 Bucharest, Romania

An initiative of Romania under the Council of Europe - Campaign for the Safety of Journalists - Journalists Matter The National Audiovisual Council (CNA) of Romania hosted, on 29 February 2024, at...

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Safety of Journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Preparation of the Pilot Report

Bosnia and Herzegovina 23-24 April 2024 Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina

(anglais seulement) Are journalists truly safe and adequately protected in Bosnia and Herzegovina? This question extends beyond the concerns of media professionals; it resonates as a societal issue...

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Romanian consultations for the safety of journalists

Romania 2024

Romania has initiated consultations with various entities to establish a coordination structure for the safety of journalists. These entities include the Romanian Union of Journalists - MediaSind,...

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Development of a refreshed National Action Plan

United Kingdom 2023

A refreshed National Action Plan for the Safety of Journalists was published in October 2023. The refreshed Plan covers the same five themes and commitments include: The National Union of...

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Mediapooli organises a seminar on the protection of journalists

Finland 15 May 2024 Helsinki, Finland

Mediapooli organised a seminar dedicated to the protection of journalists, gathering around 70 journalists from diverse linguistic, cultural, and professional backgrounds across Finland. Held in...

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Trainings organised by the International Training Center for the Safety of Journalists and Media Professionals (ICSJ)

Greece 2023-2024

The International Training Center for the Safety of Journalists and Media Professionals (ICSJ) is scheduled to organize the following trainings: - A specialized training session organized by the...

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Journalists Matter Campaign introduced to the project launch promoting freedom of expression in Georgia

Georgia 26 March 2024 Tbilisi, Georgia

The Journalists Matter Campaign for the Safety of Journalists was presented during the launch of the new cooperation project “Supporting Freedom of Expression and Media in Georgia (SFEM-GE)”,in...

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National plan for the maintenance of order (SNMO)

France 2021

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: the National plan for the maintenance of order (Schèma National du Maintien de l’Ordre - (SNMO) is a guide governing police practices during demonstrations. The section...

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Danish National Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity

Denmark 2019

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The Danish National Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity (Dansk handlingsplan for sikkerhed for journalister) started in 2022. The plan covers...

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Memorandum of understanding on the protection, safety and empowerment of journalists and other media professionals

Greece 2022

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This Memorandum of understanding on the protection, safety and empowerment of journalists and other media professionals contains a common framework of cooperation which includes,...

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Memorandum of Understanding and Measures for Increasing the Level of Journalists' Safety

Serbia 2019

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The aim of the group is to fast-track the investigation and prosecution of cases of attacks against journalists and increase cooperation between public institutions and media...

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Memorandum of Cooperation

Latvia 2020

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The Latvian Association of Journalists, the Latvian Union of Journalists and the State Police have concluded a memorandum of cooperation to ensure effective action to ensure the...

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Guidebook of practical advice for journalists to work more safely

Albania 2021

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This guidebook was prepared within the joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe "Freedom of expression and media freedom of the media in Albania" (JUFREX 2)...

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Protection or Safety Code


BRIEF DESCRIPTION A code of conduct for media companies to promote the safety of journalists by: Appointing a contact within the company as a contact in case of attacks, offering services such as...

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Slovak Republic 2023

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Safe.Journalism.sk initiative (Bezpečná.žurnalistika.sk) was created because the safety of journalists is one of the most important challenges in Slovakia. Five years after the...

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Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists: Ukraine launches the National Chapter

Ukraine 9 April 2024, from 12:00 to 16:30 CET

On 9 April 2024, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, in co-operation with the Freedom of Expression Committee of the Parliament of Ukraine and the Council of Europe, launched...

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Strengthening Media Freedom in Ukraine

Ukraine 13 February 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

The progress in aligning Ukraine's media and freedom of expression legislation with the European standards, including the EU legislation, was discussed recently in Kyiv, between the members of the...

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Students in Armenia discuss the safety of journalists on World Press Freedom Day

Armenia 3 May 2024 Armenia

On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia organised an interactive session for Eurnekian High Public School of Mother See Holy Etchmiadzin of...

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Legislative initiatives towards better protection of journalists against threats


The Luxembourg Criminal Code as modified in 2023 (Loi du 7 août 2023 portant modification du Code pénal) includes new rules for attacks against journalists during demonstrations. Persons who...

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Raising awareness initiatives for safety of journalists

Italy 2024

The Department for Information and Publishing of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers has organized a number of advocacy events, aimed at raising awareness on protection of journalist issues...

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The Netherlands pledges support to the Campaign for the Safety of Journalists- Journalists Matter

Netherlands 14 May 2024 Strasbourg, France

In its long-standing commitment to journalist safety, the Netherlands has come with a voluntary contribution to the Council of Europe's Campaign for the Safety of Journalists- Journalists Matter....

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Research on improving press freedom and safety of journalists

Netherlands 2023

A research commissioned by the ministry of Justice and Safety in 2023 pointed out that violence and aggression against journalists has a diffuse nature and takes place in the different...

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Other existing initiatives in Ukraine prior to the Campaign

Ukraine 2023

In 2023, Ukraine witnessed significant progress in press freedom, attaining the 27th position in the annual Press Freedom Index Ranking, marking a notable ascent from its previous standing of 106th...

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Special Prosecutor for attacks and threats against journalists

Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Special prosecutor appointed in Public Prosecutor's Office of Sarajevo Canton to act as a contact point for communication and co-ordination among journalist associations,...

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Amendments to the Criminal Code of Montenegro

Montenegro 2021

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Under the amended legislation, journalists are granted the status of persons who perform duties of public interest, while several criminal offences, including murder, infliction...

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Safety and Defense Course for Journalists

Portugal 2007

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The aim of the course is to contribute to the awareness and training of managers and future managers linked to communication, with a view to deepening their security and defense...

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Cooperation Agreement

Croatia 2023

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: A Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of the Interior affairs and the Croatian Journalists' Association and the Union of Croatian Journalists...

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Netherlands 2019

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Persveilig- PersVeilig is the initiative of the Steering Group on Aggression and Violence against Journalists, consisting of the police, the Public Prosecution Service, the...

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Coordination centre on the phenomenon of acts of intimidation against journalists

Italy 2017

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Threats, acts of intimidations, and crimes reported to police authorities in different locations are collected in a national database. This data is monitored, with reports...

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Malta makes voluntary contribution to Campaign for the Safety of Journalists- Journalists Matter

Malta 6 March 2024

In an expression of support for press freedom, Malta has announced a voluntary contribution to the Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists- Journalists Matter, acknowledging the...

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Estonia makes voluntary contribution to Campaign for the Safety of Journalists- Journalists Matter

Estonia 9 February 2024 Strasbourg, France

In a significant show of commitment to press freedom and the safety of journalists, Estonia has announced a voluntary contribution to the Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists -...

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Finland has launched consultations with national stakeholders and assessment of needs under the Campaign

Finland 2024

Identification of needs and priority areas with relevant stakeholders has started. Preliminary issues identified include physical, digital and psychological security, targeting of journalists and...

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Conference in Riga on freedom of expression and safety of journalists: campaign launch

Latvia 4 OCTOBER 2023 Strasbourg

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and the Ombudsman’s Office, together with the Council of Europe, are organising an international conference in Riga on 5 and 6...

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The Agreement on Cooperation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Croatian Association of Journalists and the Union of Journalists of Croatia

Croatia 2023

Alongside the two accompanying protocols, underscores Croatia's commitment to ensuring the safety and protection of journalists and other media employees. Aligned with the Recommendation of the...

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Study on the implication of AI and the protection of the journalistic function

Italy 2024

The AI Technical Committee set up at the Department for Information and Publishing has been studying the impact of artificial intelligence on the editorial and information sector. It has held...

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0 International cooperation
0 Safety of women journalists