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National Initiatives on Safety of Journalists

Safety of Journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Preparation of the Pilot Report

Bosnia and Herzegovina 23-24 April 2024 Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina

(anglais seulement) Are journalists truly safe and adequately protected in Bosnia and Herzegovina? This question extends beyond the concerns of media professionals; it resonates as a societal issue...

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Romanian consultations for the safety of journalists

Romania 2024

Romania has initiated consultations with various entities to establish a coordination structure for the safety of journalists. These entities include the Romanian Union of Journalists - MediaSind,...

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Development of a refreshed National Action Plan

United Kingdom 2023

A refreshed National Action Plan for the Safety of Journalists was published in October 2023. The refreshed Plan covers the same five themes and commitments include: The National Union of...

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Mediapooli organises a seminar on the protection of journalists

Finland 15 May 2024 Helsinki, Finland

Mediapooli organised a seminar dedicated to the protection of journalists, gathering around 70 journalists from diverse linguistic, cultural, and professional backgrounds across Finland. Held in...

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0 International cooperation
0 Safety of women journalists