Image © Shutterstock In line with the Council of Europe Guidelines on protecting freedom of expression and information in times of crisis, the crisis situation should not be used as a pretext for restricting the public's access to information. Neither should states introduce any restrictions on media freedom beyond the limitations allowed by Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Freedom of expression, media independence and open deliberation, rather than information control, are the core principles underlying European democracy which will allow us to surmount the great challenges facing our countries.

Toolkit by the Secretary General on the impact of the sanitary crisis on freedom of expression and media freedom (SG/Inf(2020)19)

Read more on challenges to freedom of expression and media freedom in the times of crisis and human-rights compliant responses

  • Freedom of expression and information and media freedom are crucial for the functioning of a truly democratic society and continue to be so in times of crisis. The provision of timely information about public health risks is a critical element in crisis response.
  • Media play a key role, also coupled with increased responsibility, in providing accurate, reliable information to the public, but also in preventing panic and fostering people’s understanding for and cooperation with necessary restriction. Media organisations and journalists should adhere to the highest professional and ethical standards, give priority to authoritative messages regarding the crisis, and refrain from publishing, and thus amplifying, unverified stories.

Voltar COVID-19 and media freedom: human-rights compliant responses

COVID-19 and media freedom: human-rights compliant responses

The COVID-19 pandemic that has spread across the world since the beginning of 2020 poses a serious threat  to  the  health,  lives  and  future  of  all  of  us.  Governments,  health  authorities  and  countless professionals  are  working  tirelessly  to  contain  the  outbreak  and  to  mitigate  its  effects.  As  a  result, nearly  every  aspect  of  daily  life  of  billions  of  people  world-wide  has  changed.  Finding  an  effective response to the pandemic is a shared top priority for decisionmakers around the globe. In addition to urgent health-related measures, actions are taken to offset social, economic, labour, cultural, security and other impacts of the crisis.

Read guidance on mitigating a global health crisis while maintaining freedom of expression and information based on the Council of Europe standards.

Strasbourg 20 April 2020
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"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights