The Council of Europe is pleased to announce the full composition of its new Expert Committee on Freedom of Expression and Digital Technologies. This inter-disciplinary group of leading specialists will explore the impacts of digital technologies and AI on freedom of expression. Over the next two years, they will prepare guidance for member States on how best to harness opportunities and address challenges that are vital to our democracies.

Voltar New recommendation on the impacts of digital technologies on freedom of expression

New recommendation on the impacts of digital technologies on freedom of expression

At their meeting of 6 April 2022, the Ministers’ Deputies adopted the Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)13 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the impacts of digital technologies on freedom of expression.

This important text, accomplished by the Committee of experts on freedom of expression and digital technologies under the supervision of the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI), is designed to assist States and public and private actors, in particular internet intermediaries, as well as media, civil society organisations, researchers, educational institutions, and other relevant actors in their independent and collaborative efforts to protect and promote freedom of expression in the digital age.

The Guidelines appended to the Recommendation formulate principles aimed at ensuring that digital technologies serve rather than curtail such freedom. They also provide recommendations on how to address the adverse impacts and enhance the positive impacts of the widespread use of digital technologies on freedom of expression in human rights compliant ways.

Strasbourg 19 April 2022
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"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights