Strasbourg - AGORA Building (Room G5)

27-28 March 2017

Please note that all the documents are available in PDF format. Click on the references below to open and download the documents.


1. Opening of the Meeting                          

Mr Jan Kleijssen, Director, Information Society and Action against Crime Directorate, will address the experts                                                           

2. Election of Chairperson and Vice-chair person [Resolution CM/Res(2011)24E]

3. Adoption of the agenda              

4. Information by the Secretariat

Information on standard-setting work and other activities of the Council of Europe relevant to the work of the MSI-NET, in particular on the 11th meeting of the CDMSI (Steering Committee on Media and Information Society), 29 November – 2 December 2016

5. Discussion on the second draft recommendation by the Committee of Ministers on Internet intermediaries [MSI-NET Terms of Reference]

MSI-NET(2016)05 rev  

The members of the MSI-NET will be invited to examine and discuss the second version of the draft recommendation prepared by the rapporteur.

6. Discussion on the revised draft study on human rights dimensions of algorithms [MSI-NET Terms of Reference]

MSI-NET(2016)06 rev  

The members of the MSI-NET will be invited to examine and discuss with a view to its finalisation the second version of the draft study prepared by the rapporteur.

7. Participation of MSI-NET in other activities

The members of the MSI-NET will be invited to share information about participation in past and upcoming activities relevant to the work of the Committee.

8. Date of next meeting

MSI-NET(2017)03 Revised roadmap

The members of the MSI-NET will be invited to discuss the revised roadmap and agree on a timeframe for the upcoming consultation process

9. Other business