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The Netherlands, National chapter

Journalists Matter, Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists

The Council of Europe encourages member states to transpose the Campaign to the national context. Without each member’s committed and effective effort at national level, through the development of the so-called ‘national chapter’, the Campaign cannot reach its goals.

In this section, we will present developments in the Netherlands:

National Focal Points

Ms Charlotte WOLFF, Journalism Team Coordinator, Media department, Ministry of Education Culture and Science
Mr Arne BAKKER, Policy advisor, Media department, Ministry of Education Culture and Science

National Campaign Committee

In the Netherlands, the establishment of a new committee has not been deemed necessary; instead, operations are conducted through preexisting partnerships. The foundation of this approach lies in the collaborative efforts between PersVeilig and the focal point. Regular consultations are held to ensure ongoing communication and information exchange regarding developments, encompassing actions undertaken by PersVeilig and initiatives by relevant ministries.

The coordination with law enforcement and the Public Prosecution Service is facilitated through the PersVeilig steering committee. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, functioning as the focal point for the campaign, collaborates with various governmental departments. These collaborative efforts extend to matters concerning the safety of journalists (Ministry of Justice), combatting disinformation (Ministry of Internal Affairs), addressing the role of online platforms (Ministry of Economic Affairs), and addressing international safety concerns for journalists (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

Furthermore, the focal point and PersVeilig routinely organize consultations with other pertinent stakeholders, including the NDP, the representative organization for publishers, and Free Press Unlimited. Close engagement is also maintained with the NVJ, the Dutch journalists' association, to ensure comprehensive engagement and support within the journalistic community.