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Digital Companies and the Council of Europe launched in Strasbourg a new cooperation roadmap

21-22 May 2024 Strasbourg, France

The Council of Europe Digital Partnership established in 2017 includes 27 digital companies and their associations that pledged to cooperate on protecting human rights, democracy and the rule of law through a unique public-private initiative. A workshop organised in Strasbourg on 21-22 May 2024...

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Abridged Report on 'The metaverse and its Impact on Human Rights, Rule of Law and Democracy': Now Available Online

Celebrating Safer Internet Day 2024

6 February 2024 Strasbourg, France

Following a process that began in 2023 and is set to be completed in 2024, an abridged version of the report "The metaverse and its impact on Human Rights, Rule of Law, and Democracy" is now available for download in electronic format. The document provides an overview of the principal issues...

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Guidelines on the responsible implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in journalism

12 December 2023 Strasbourg

At its 24th Plenary meeting (29 November - 1 December 2023), the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI) adopted Guidelines on the responsible implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in journalism, elaborated by its subordinate body, Committee of Experts on...

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The need for digital citizenship education for all age groups

24 September 2021 Madrid

On 24 September 2021, Patrick Penninckx, the Head of the Information Society Department addressed the delegates of the 24th extraordinary congress of the European Seniors Union (ESU) held in Madrid. In his presentation, entitled “The need for media and information literacy for all age groups” the...

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Civil society, new technologies and rights

22 September 2021 Amsterdam

On September 21, Patrick Penninckx, Head of the Information Society Department addressed the participants of the Recharging advocacy for Rights in Europe (RARE) programme in Amsterdam. The initiative is implemented by the Hertie School together with the Netherlands and Hungarian Helsinki...

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Guidance Note on Content Moderation

20 September 2021 Strasbourg

A Guidance Note on Content Moderation was adopted by CDMSI at its 19th plenary meeting on 19-21 May 2021 and is available online for public authorities, media and private companies. The Note was elaborated by CDMSI’s Expert Committee of Experts on Freedom of Expression and Digital Technologies...

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How to promote European Values in the Digital Field

17 September 2020

On September 17, 2020, Patrick Penninckx, Head of the Information Society Department took part in the “Shaping the Post-Covid Media Order” colloquium to discuss the impact of the coronavirus crisis on journalism as well as Europe’s future media order along with nearly 100 editors-in-chief,...

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Threats to media freedom and journalists’ security in Europe presented at the LIBE hearing in Brussels

6 November 2019 Brussels

On 6 November, Head of Information Society Department, Patrick Penninckx intervened in a hearing on Freedom of Expression and Combating hate speech online and offline held by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs on Media Freedom in Brussels. He presented the Council of...

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Seminar “Human rights challenges in the digital age: Judicial perspectives” - 28 June 2019, Strasbourg, European Court of Human Rights

16 June 2019 Strasbourg

The digital space is a powerful enabler for a more inclusive democratic discourse and participation. Free and open internet provides, among other things, simplified access to information, knowledge, culture and education, and it also importantly facilitates the exercise of fundamental rights,...

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Council of Europe standards and European Court of Human Rights case-law in the area of safety of journalists and other media actors, presented at the OSCE Training for Serbian prosecutors and police officers.

21 May 2019 Strasbourg

On 16-17 May 2019, the OSCE held a two day training on “The importance of journalism and effective conduct of the competent authorities when the safety of journalists is violated” in Belgrade, Serbia. The training was carried out in the context of an agreement between the Serbian prosecuting...

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Ensuring the financial sustainability of quality journalism

13 February 2019 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe has called on its 47 member states to ensure the financial sustainability of quality journalism taking into account that it is a public good and plays an essential role for individuals to be able to form and express their opinions and make informed choices about government...

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MSI-JOQ experts discussed quality journalism and media literacy in the digital age

24-25 September 2018

On 24 -25 September 2018, the Committee of experts on quality journalism in the digital age (MSI-JOQ) held its second meeting in Strasbourg. The members examined and discussed two documents prepared by the rapporteurs: the first version of the Draft recommendation on promoting a favourable...

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Council of Europe at the first The Hague Summit for Accountability and Internet Democracy

31 May 2018 The Hague

We live in the age of digital expansion. Technology changes so fast. Technology changes the world faster than human would foresee it, even to understand it. In 1991, the internet became publicly available through the World Wide Web and this technology fundamentally changed the world. 27 years...

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"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights