The Joint EU /CoE Project “Promoting Media Freedom  and Pluralism in the Republic of Moldova ” is aimed to strengthen or establish legal and institutional guarantees for a pluralistic media landscape in the Republic of Moldova.

This project is built upon the achievements of the now completed Joint Programmes EU/ CoE “Democracy Support Project” and the Regional EU/CoE JP “Promoting Freedom, professionalism and pluralism of media in the South Caucasus and Moldova”.  

The project is aiming to:

  • drafting amendments to existing media related legislation in line with European standards
  • putting into practice the regulatory framework
  • Ensuring the functioning of public service broadcaster’s supervisory bodies of national public service broadcast and regional broadcast
  • improving the editorial policies and the existing TV and radio programs of the public broadcasters, in particular those on European Union policies;
  • setting up and ensuring the functioning of the Training Centre at Teleradio-Moldova  (TRM) which will offer professional media training workshops for TRM’s employees.