National Student competition on Bioethics
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and the National Bioethics Committee together with the Bioethics Unit of the Council of Europe with the support of the Council of Europe Information Point in Minsk and in accordance with the Council of Europe Action Plan for Belarus organised a National Student competition on Bioethics.
The aim of the competition is to raise awareness on the principles enshrined in the Oviedo Convention and foster public discussions on main challenges to the human rights in the field of biomedicine (a.i. how scientific and technological developments in such fields of biomedicine, as genetics and genomics, neuroscience, transplantation and biomedical research affect individual rights, and freedoms of people).
160 essays, 26 videos and 138 posters were submitted by the students from different regions of the country. The students had chosen various topics. A lot of attention was drawn to the questions of transplantation, abortions, HIV, problems of persons with disabilities and end of life situations. Most of the entries were prepared by the group of students. The high level of participation reflects the existing interest of young people to the topic of bioethics in Belarus.
Opinions expressed by the authors of the posters/videos/essays should not be interpreted as reflecting the opinion of the Committee on Bioethics of the Council of Europe.
Entries received / Номенации
Videos / Видеоматериалы (видеоролики)

W I N N E R S / П О Б Е Д И Т Е Л И К О Н К У Р С А 

Criteria for Evaluating Entries (for full criteria please check Rules of the competition)
- Focus on a topic relevant to the field of biomedicine raising important bioethical issue(s) related to human rights;
- Comprehensive coverage of the topic and range of bioethical problems connected to it;
- Clear substantiated arguments taking into account principles laid down in the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (the Oviedo Convention) and its Additional Protocols;
- Well-grounded conclusions;
- Layout;
- Good language.
General guidelines
Общие рекомендации
The Competition was opened to undergraduate students and students pursuing Master’s degrees in higher education colleges and universities in the Republic of Belarus. Competitors could participate individually or in teams (no more than 3 participants per team).
Студенты и магистранты высших учебных заведений Республики Беларусь (как индивидуально, так и в авторском коллективе не более 3х человек), интересующиеся вопросами биоэтики (права человека в области биомедицины).
Categories and jury
Essay / Video / Poster
The Competition jury includes representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the National Bioethics Committee, the Bioethics Unit of the Council of Europe and the Information Point of the Council of Europe in Minsk and leading experts on bioethics.
Состав жюри:
ведущие эксперты в области биоэтики, в том числе: представители Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь, Национального комитета по биоэтике, Отдела по биоэтике Совета Европы, Информационного пункта Совета Европы в Минске и ведущие эксперты в области биоэтики.