Minsk 7 December 2018
Human Rights in biomedicine
Launching conference of the HELP course

International Conference
7 December 2018, Minsk
The international Conference was jointly organised by the Bioethics Unit of the Council of Europe and the Ministry of health of the Republic of Belarus together with the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and the Institute for retraining and qualification upgrading of judges, prosecutors and legal professionals at the Belarusian state university with the support of the Information Point of the Council of Europe in Minsk.
Organised in the framework of the Action Plan of the Council of Europe for Belarus, the conference was dedicated to the launch of the multidisciplinary HELP* course focusing on human rights in biomedicine for Belarus, the conference aimed at discussing the relevance of the human rights protection in the field of biomedicine and importance of dialogue between health and legal professionals.
The Conference was held on 7 December 2018 in Minsk (Belarus).
The working languages of the Conference was English and Russian with simultaneous interpretation.
Texts of the presentations
- The Council of Europe HELP Programme and Bioethics, Ana Medarska-Lazova
- The concept of somatic rights, D. Vasilevitch (Russian only)
- Ethical and legal questions of transplantation, Aleksei Glinnik (Russian only)
- Relevance of the Human Rights Protection in the field of Biomedicine, Mikayel Khachatryan
- Human rights in Biomedicine. Contribution of the Council of Europe, Katrin Uerpmann
- Bioethics in Belarus, Elena Bodgan (Russian only)
- Human rights and ethical principles in biomedicine. Interaction between medical professionals and lawyers, Ritva Halila
- Competition of student works "Accessible Bioethics", V. Sokolchik (Russian only)
*The course was developed and implemented in close cooperation between the Council of Europe Bioethics Unit and the European Program on Human Rights Education (HELP), following the well-established HELP-methodology.