Voltar Intercultural mediation to promote living together


The overall objective is the promotion of mediation as a mechanism of alternative conflict resolution that will help to foster peaceful and inclusive cohabitation in the municipality of Valladolid.


The main objective of the Plan de Convivencia Ciudadana Intercultural 2019-2023 (Plan for intercultural Living Together) is to contribute to a coexistence in which all people feel represented, characterised by positive, respectful and all people feel represented, characterised by positive relationships, respect and communication. It is essential to foster civic responsibility and to proactively address the complexities that arise from the arising from increased cultural diversity.

According to the Plan, out of this intercultural coexistence emerges a new shared culture in which all citizens both contribute and receive, in a process that strengthens commonalities, respects differences and ensures equal rights.

In this context, mediation represents an effective tool that promotes the successful resolution of intercultural conflicts, encourages dialogue, minimises intolerance and facilitates understanding and acceptance of difference.

The mediator can build bridges for the social and economic integration of different cultural groups. The mediator's work is of great importance in building a collaborative dialogue, in achieving positive interactions, in disseminating the positive interactions, in the dissemination of civic rules of coexistence, etc.


The intercultural mediation service of the city of Valladolid is composed of an interdisciplinary team of professionals qualified to intervene in intercultural conflicts (conflicts for which cultural or ethnic differences are considered as explaining factors).

The Service develops activities with a view to provide support and guidance for professionals from social entities and other municipal services. The Service sets recommendations regarding mediation of intercultural conflicts.

When a conflict arises, the Intercultural Mediation Service works based on the following steps: acknowledging and notifying the conflict; analysing the claims and searching for prior information; contacting the parties in conflict; establishing mediation and/or negotiating processes with the parties involved; specifying and committing to the agreements and their follow-up; closing the conflict.

In addition, activities and actions to prevent conflicts, raise awareness and educate are carried out. Some examples:

  • Information sessions for municipal staff in the field of mediation (social services, police, citizen participation, youth, sports...).
  • Development of training and information actions targeted to third sector organisations, with a special emphasis on neighbourhood associations.
  • Conferences for the exchange of innovative experiences in the field of intercultural mediation.
  • Street education programmes for young people, in the areas of the city with the greatest diversity.
  • Inclusion of social diversity on the agenda of the neighbourhood social councils.
  • Promotion of initiatives to highlight the history of the neighbourhoods in order to promote a sense of belonging.
  • Support for projects to improve coexistence in the neighbourhoods developed by neighbourhood associations through subsidies, promoting as one of the assessment criteria projects that consider double discrimination (immigrant women) in their actions.


Valladolid City Council has an intercultural mediation service with four professional mediators specialised in intercultural and community conflicts.

Key reference documents

2019 - ongoing
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