Voltar Participatory Budget

Enhancing the participation of citizens in the decision-making process.

Launched in 2014 to implement actions of participatory democracy in Paris, the Participatory Budget aims at mobilising all actors on the making of their city (public agents, professionals, citizens…). Using an online platform as well as polling stations to reach as many people as possible, it constitutes a simple opportunity for Parisians to get involved.

On the occasion of the 2016 edition, 3,200 projects were submitted, 624 were selected to be proposed to the voters. Votes were opened from 20th September to the 2nd October 2016. Since the 2016 edition, a special focus has been made on deprived/sensitive areas that benefit from 30% of the allocated budget. For the first time this year, 66,155 children voted in the frame of the new schools Participatory Budget between May and June 2017.


For the 2014 first edition, proposals were only made by the City’s departments themselves. Since 2015, the application is widely open to all contributors. The adopted projects covered a wide range of topics from public spaces to culture or digitalization.

The Participatory Budget is making steady progress: 9 projects were adopted in 2014, 188 in 2015 (8 for the whole city and 180 for specific districts), and 219 in 2016 (11 for the whole city and 208 for specific districts).

The quantity of budget allocated has significantly increased as well: 17.7M€ in 2014, 75M€ in 2015, and 100M€ in 2016. So did the number of voters: 40,754 in 2014, 70,000 in 2015 and 92,809 in 2016 (158,964 taking into account the Schools Participatory Budget launched this year).

Examples of implemented projects

  1. Co-working spaces for entrepreneur-student
    From the 2014 edition, its objective is to create a co-working spaces network in publicly owned buildings, universities and student halls. 6 spaces were already created out of 8. Cost: 2M€.
  2. Green walls
    From the 2014 edition, it aims at “greenifying” roughly 40 walls all around the city to improve the environment and biodiversity. 22 walls were already realized and 19 are ongoing. Cost: 2M€.
On-going since 2014
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