Download the social media pack

Various templates and messages are available for download and can be adapted for use.


 Download all visuals and videos to share

 Download video explainer (English voice over)
 Download video explainer (without voice over)
 Download video explainer (English voice over) in square format

 Use announcement template (square format)
 Use announcement template (story format)

 Use announcement (win a ticket to Strasbourg) template (square format)
 Use announcement (win a ticket to Strasbourg) template (story format)

 Use “How to participate” template (square format)
 Use “How to participate” template (story format)
 Use “How to participate” template in French (square format)

 Use “How to participate” single post template (square format)

 Use 3 post pinned for Instagram template

 Use announcement of an event template (square format)
 Use announcement of an event template (story format)

 Use announcement of live template (square format)
 Use announcement of live template (story format)

 Use reminder template (square format)
 Use reminder template (story format)

 Use quote template (square format)
 Use quote template (story format)

 Download template "news photo"
 Download template "focus photo"

 Download the main title’s font: Tilt Warp
 Download the text’s font: Roboto

 #27187e  #758BFD  #aeb8fe  #f1f2f6  #ff8600


Download the design for a poster or a sticker

 Download the poster in English and French

 Download the sticker