16. Is donation of sperm/oocytes/embryos anonymous?
sperm No / oocytes - / embryos -
17. Is it possible to obtain information about the biological origin of a child born after gametes of embryo donation?
i. For the child him or herself Yes.
Sperm donation in accordance with Art. 18 ff. RMA is the only permissible heterologous reproductive method in Switzerland. The child conceived by means of heterologous sperm donation has a right of access to certain relevant data, including the appearance, name, place of residence, date of birth, nationality, education and profession of the donor (Art. 24 para. 2 lit. a and d RMA), without having to claim a legitimate interest. The minor child also has a right to information, provided that there is a legitimate interest, often a medical interest (Art. 27 para. 2 RMA).
ii. For the parents No; iii. For a court Yes, if necessary, in particular in the context of paternity proceedings or proceedings to challenge the presumption of marriageability.
a. Identity of the donor(s)
i. For the child him or herself Yes; ii. For the parents No; iii. For a court Yes, if necessary
b. Certain health information concerning the donor(s)
i. For the child him or herself Yes; ii. For the parents No; iii. For a court No
Yes, in the case of procreation through sperm donation, if certain requirements are met:
If you can claim an interest worthy of protection (for example, for medical reasons), you will receive further information, such as the results transmitted by the doctors for the medical examination (Art. 27 para. 2 RMA).
c. Other information
i. For the child him or herself Yes; ii. For the parents No; iii. For a court No
Yes, in addition to information on origin, the child may also request information on occupation, education and physical appearance (Art. 27 para. 1 RMA). He or she may request information about all the donor's data - including the date of the sperm donation and the results of the medical examination - if he or she has an interest worthy of protection (Art. 27 para. 2 RMA). At the request of the sperm donor, further donor data in addition to the data mentioned in Art. 24 FMedG, namely pictures of the donor, are retained (Art. 17 RMA).
18. Is it possible to contest maternity and paternity of children born utilising MAP and under which conditions? No. Art. 256 para. 3 Swiss Civil Code; Art. 23 RMA