Înapoi Training Seminar on Introduction to modern Human Resources Management at local level and workshop on e-learning platform on good governance

Training Seminar on Introduction to modern Human Resources Management at local level and workshop on e-learning platform on good governance

A training seminar on Introduction to modern Human Resource Management (HRM) took place in Minsk on 12-14 December 2017 within the framework of bilateral co-operation under the Partnership for Good Governance between the European Union and the Council of Europe. The event gathered the heads and top HR managers of local and regional administrations, representatives of academia and of the central authorities.

The event was designed to expose the participants to the best European practices in HRM at local level implemented on the basis of the CoE HRM Toolkit as well as to share experience from the other Eastern Partnership countries and the best practice from within Belarus. The discussions focused on importance of the improvement, modernisation and efficient management of resources at local level including human resources as a part and parcel of a larger public administration reform. Concrete examples of legislation, regulations and instructions relevant to transparent and efficient HR management were brought forward.

Gennadiy Kosyak, Deputy Head of Council of Europe’s Good Governance Division highlighted the importance of reforms at local level as a pre-condition to improved well-being of citizens and stressed that any public administration reform should take due account of the improved functioning of local administrations, better and more efficient management of resources at local level and strengthening good governance at all levels.

The participants were also presented with the E-learning tool on the CoE Twelve Principles of Good Governance, in particular, on Principle 6 relevant to fight against corruption, transparency and ethics. The instrument raised enthusiasm of the Belorussian HR managers and officials, who assessed it very prospective tool that may lead to a shift in understanding and implementation of the good democratic governance principles in daily work. The opportunity was used to gather comments whilst the E-Learning Tool is still under development.

The event was organised under the Programme "Strengthening Institutional Frameworks for Local Governance in the Eastern Partnership countries" under the Partnership for Good Governance (former PCF) for 2015-2017 funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Council of Europe

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