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Înapoi Furthering cooperation activities: concrete initiatives to be implemented in Belarus

Furthering cooperation activities: concrete initiatives to be implemented in Belarus

The Council of Europe representatives will meet the governor of the Minsk region and other strategic public authorities from Belarus on 25-26 May 2017 in Minsk. The meeting is organized as a follow up to the sitting of the Council for Cooperation of Local Self-Government Bodies by the Republican Council of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus held on 28 April 2017 in Minsk to discuss the potential support of the Council of Europe in the local governance sector.

The event is organized within the Programme "Strengthening institutional frameworks for local governance in the Eastern Partnership countries" under the Partnership for Good Governance for 2015-2017 funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Council of Europe.

Minsk 25-26 May 2017
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FOCUS: Council of Europe Summit Reykjavik
 Planul de Acțiune pentru Republica Moldova

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