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Înapoi Training session for prosecutors and judges “ECtHR case law in matters of legal certainty”, organised in partnership with the National Institute of Justice

Training session for prosecutors and judges “ECtHR case law in matters of legal certainty”, organised in partnership with the National Institute of Justice

On 18-19 February 2016 the Council of Europe organised a training session for prosecutors and judges on European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) case law in matters of legal certainty”. The training was held in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

This activity is part of the project entitled “Support to a coherent national implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights in the Republic of Moldova” and is in line with one of its project main objectives, i.e. enhancing the institutional capacities for an effective implementation of the ECHR including its case law at national level.

The training provided participants with a depth analysis of the international standards and ECtHR practice in matters of legal certainty, as well as examining the legal certainty versus other safeguards of the right to a fair trial, and the notion of fundamental flaw and its application in national and international practice.

A particular focus was put on discussing issues of legal certainty in findings of the European Court of Human Rights in judgements against Moldova and recent communications of the ECtHR to the Government of Moldova in terms of legal certainty.

The added value of the training was the participation, along with two Council of Europe national consultants, of two judges of the Supreme Court of Justice as guest speakers, who moderated distinct sessions in regard to the issues of legal certainty in national judicial practice in civil and criminal cases.

Chisinau 19.02.2016
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Prezentarea proiectului

Statut: în derulare

Durata: 2014-2016, pînă la 29 februarie 2016.

Acoperirea geografică: Republica Moldova

Domeniul de intervenție: Implementarea coerentă a Convenției Europene a Drepturilor Omului (CEDO) în Republica Moldova

Parteneri: Ministerul Justiției (inclusiv Agentul Guvernamental la CtEDO), Curtea Supremă de Justiție, Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii, Procuratura Generală, Oficiul Avocatului Poporului, Institutul Național al Justiției și Curtea Constituțională a Republicii Moldova.

Coordonator Superior de Proiect: Violeta Frunze, e-mail:

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