Politico, 06 March 2024
Curtailing migrant rights may help score quick political gains, but electoral success doesn’t give governments carte blanche to place themselves above the law.
The upcoming adoption of the United Kingdom’s Safety of Rwanda Bill, currently working its way through the...
Opinion article
The Slovinian Times, 22/08/2023
Respect for human rights and the rule of law are the core principles of the Council of Europe and the lifeblood of democracy, Dunja Mijatović, the organisation's Commissioner...
Opinion article
EUObserver, 18/11/2021
Warmongering has seriously intensified in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
As some politicians, including in the neighbouring countries Serbia and Croatia, ratchet-up their inflammatory...
DW, 11/05/2021
Acum, în plină pandemie, Convenţia de la Istanbul este un instrument mai important ca oricând de protecţie a vieţii femeilor în Europa, consideră Dunja Mijatovic, Comisar pentru Drepturile Omului al Consiliului Europei.
Pe 11 mai 2011 a fost adoptată Convenţia de la...
DW, 21/03/2021
Equality is a central pillar of Europe's postwar order, but structural and institutional racism persists in many European countries. The Council of Europe's Dunja Mijatovic says it's time to tackle racial inequality.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and...
DW, 14/12/2020
The landmark peace agreement was worthy of applause 25 years ago. But now, politicians in Bosnia-Herzegovina need to set aside personal interests and reckon with the country’s war-torn past.
When the Dayton Accords concluded 25 years ago, there was much relief in...
Euractiv, 10/12/2020
The current pandemic crisis serves as a magnifying glass of all existing inequalities in Europe – racism, gender and sexual discrimination, treatment of migrants: there is still a long way to go to ensure full and real equality in Europe, write Helena Dalli and Dunja...
DW, 11/07/2020
Protecting the truth from deniers and serving justice for victims of the Srebrenica genocide is our best bet to prevent genocides from occurring again, writes Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Dunja Mijatovic.
That genocide was perpetrated in and around the Bosnian...
OpenDemocracy, 29/06/2020
It is incompatible with the principles of pluralism and respect for different cultures that define a democratic society.
The brutal killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis by a police officer has brought hundreds of thousands of people to the streets across the world,...
Protothema, 05/05/2020
Στη Ρωσία η κυβέρνηση προσέφυγε στη χρήση καμερών αναγνώρισης προσώπου - H Τουρκία ανακοίνωσε χρήση υποχρεωτικής εφαρμογής για την παρακολούθηση ατόμων που διαγνώστηκαν θετικά στον ιό
Η πανδημία του COVID-19 έχει προκαλέσει πάνω από 200.000 θανάτους παγκοσμίως, εκ των...
Dnevnik, 04/05/2020
Pandemija covida-19 je zahtevala že več kot 200.000 žrtev po svetu in več kot polovica teh je v zadnjih dveh mesecih umrla v Evropi. Že ob samem pogledu na to številko lahko razumemo, zakaj so vlade morale sprejeti izjemne ukrepe, kot so omejitve izhoda in karantenska...
DW, 02/05/2020
Tot mai multe ţări recurg la aplicaţii pentru a-şi supraveghea cetăţenii. Dar protecţia datelor trebuie asigurată în ciuda pandemiei, consideră Dunja Mijatovic, comisara pentru Drepturile Omului a Consiliului Europei.
COVID-19 a ucis deja mai...
Danas, 29/04/2020
Pandemija kovida 19 već je ubila više od 190.000 ljudi u svetu, od čega je više od polovine onih koji su umrli u protekla dva meseca u Evropi.
Samo na osnovu ovih brojki možemo da razumemo zašto su vlade morale da preduzmu vanredne mere, poput naredbi o „zaključavanju“ i...
Gazeta Wyborcza, 29/04/2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has already killed over 200,000 people in the world, more than half of whom died in the last two months in Europe. Looking at these numbers alone one can understand why governments had to take extraordinary measures such as lockdowns and...
Oslobodenje, 29/04/2020
Demokratija ne treba žrtvovati našu privatnost da bismo zaštitili naše zdravlje. Naprotiv, zdravlje i zaštita podataka su dio života koji se živi u dostojanstvu i sigurnosti
P andemija Covid-19 već je ubila više od 200.000 ljudi u svijetu, od kojih je natpolovična većina...
N1, 29/04/2020
Povjerenica Vijeća Europe za ljudska prava Dunja Mijatović, objavila je uvodnik u nekoliko europskih medija u kojem upozorava sve vlade država članica Vijeća Europe na važnost poštivanja ljudskih prava i privatnosti u mjerama koje se poduzimaju povodom pandemije COVID-19, poput...
Expresso, 29/04/2020
"Há exemplos inquietantes na Europa", alerta a comissária do Conselho da Europa para os Direitos Humanos. "A tecnologia também virar-se contra nós quando se imiscui na nossa vida privada e limita a nossa capacidade de participar na sociedade."
A pandemia de Covid-19 já...
L'Espresso, 28/04/2020
Molti governi hanno introdotto misure straordinarie per monitorare i cittadini e ridurre il contagio da coronavirus. Ma queste tecnologie in alcuni casi sono già diventate strumenti pericolosi. Scrive all'Espresso la Commissaria per i diritti umani del Consiglio d’Europa
Le Temps, 27/04/2020
Les Etats ne peuvent collecter, utiliser et conserver des données personnelles sensibles que dans des circonstances exceptionnelles et dans des conditions bien précises, en mettant en place des garanties juridiques suffisantes et un contrôle indépendant, écrit Dunja...
Kommersant, 27/04/2020
Комиссар Совета Европы по правам человека — об опасности перегибов в борьбе с коронавирусом
Пандемия коронавируса заставила власти по всему миру заняться разработкой и внедрением в жизнь новых технологий, призванных ограничить распространение болезни. Так, в целом ряде...
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