Înapoi Kick-off meeting of the drafting group on the Strategic plan for the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova

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Kick-off meeting of the drafting group on the Strategic plan for the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova

The launching meeting and expert discussions on developing of the new Strategic Plan for the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova takes place on 1-2 August 2019 in Chisinau. The new strategic plan will be developed on the basic of the CoE unique and highly advanced URSO methodology in order to secure its maximum relevance and sustainability. In his opening remarks, Dorin Cimil, the President of the CEC, expressed his appreciation of the CoE approach and its willingness to assist the CEC in going further in improving transparency, inclusiveness and integrity of the electoral processes in the Republic of Moldova.

The CEC leadership and Secretariat as well as the leadership of the Electoral Training Centre and the CoE expert team will need to clearly outline goals in strategic areas to be addressed comprehensively and in inter-depending manner, further to assessing priorities against some 300 indicators and variables covering institutional, economic, operational, financial and other components and objectives of the future Strategic Plan. This exercise is a joint endeavor between the CoE and the CEC and the draft new strategic plan is expected for November, further to a series of experts meetings.

Meetings with the Moldovan experts and Mr Ivan Comur, Chair of the CEC of the ATU Gagauz also took place prior to and after this event with the similar context and to advance and adjust work on elaborating the Strategic Plan for the CEC of the ATU Gagauz

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 1-2 August 2019
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