Înapoi Pilot training on ‘Election Law and Electoral Dispute Resolution’ was conducted for the Georgian common court judges

Pilot training on ‘Election Law and Electoral Dispute Resolution’ was conducted for the Georgian common court judges

On 26-27 September, a two-day online pilot training was organised for the Georgian common court judges adjudicating electoral complaints. The pilot training is conducted as a part of training series organised within the framework of the permanent training course on ‘Election Law and Electoral Dispute Resolution’ introduced at the High School of Justice, in cooperation with the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED).

The overall goal of the training module is to improve quality of court decisions on electoral matters, to provide judges with knowledge and tools to decide electoral complaints in the most efficient and diligent way. The training course targets acting Georgian common court judges as well as judicial candidates, ensuring their contentious and sustainable professional growth.

For two days, up to 30 Georgian judges, including the Chairperson of the Georgian Supreme Court, discussed domestic and international standards on electoral dispute resolution, with an emphasis on the Council of Europe acquis. Participants also discussed common approaches to develop common court practice on electoral matters and particularly in light of upcoming parliamentary elections.

The event was carried out within the framework of the Council of Europe Project ‘Supporting Transparency, Inclusiveness and Integrity of Electoral Practice and Process in Georgia’.

en ligne 26-27 September 2020
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