
Electoral system*: Mixed

Threshold*: political parties – 5% ; coalition – 7%

Frequency of Parliamentary elections: 4 years

Compulsory voting: No

Minimum age for voting*: 18

Minimum age for running*: 25

Quota type: Voluntary party quota

Percentage of women candidates*: 29,2%

Percentage of women elected*: 25,5%

Percentage of Members of parliament under age 30**: 2,8%

Voter registration: Passive

Voter turnout: 47,8%

(Parliamentary Elections, 11 October 2020)

Voting abroad: Yes

by voting at embassies/consulates

E-voting: No

Electoral Management Body (EMB):

Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Lithuania

VOTA Database (Venice Commission / Mexican Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary - TEPJF):

Legislation and documents of the Venice Commission in the electoral field for Lithuania

*Information related to Parliamentary Elections or to the lower house of the Parliament

** Source: Study about youth participation in national parliaments 2018