New technologies and COVID-19The current crisis prompts us to rethink the way we administrate our democracies. New technologies are seen as an opportunity to continue democratic life remotely.

In 2017, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has adopted the Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)5 on standards for e-voting. This Recommendation is accompanied by its Guidelines and its Explanatory Memorandum and deals with the most critical part of electoral technology, namely electronic voting, which means the use of electronic means to vote and count votes. This category includes systems such as direct registration electronic voting machines (DREs), voting scanners, digital pens and internet voting systems.

Before implementing any electronic voting process, Member States are invited to refer to this recommendation. This aims to harmonise the implementation of the principles of democratic elections and referendums when using electronic voting, thereby strengthening voters' confidence in their respective voting and electronic voting processes.

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Development of interactive online tool for education and awareness raising of voters in the spot light of the Ukrainian Central Election Commission

ICTs use for public awareness raising and educational strategies has become mainstreamed during the recent years. A combined use of ICTs and human interactions enhaces audience exposure to different thematic messages. Today, when COVID-preventive measures being taken by the governements all over...

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Elections, Digital technologies, Human rights: the standards to be met

COVID-19 outbreak affected mostly all areas of public and private life all over the world. Elections are not an exception. State authorities either delay and re-schedule the initially planned elections or consider alternative voting processes and procedures to protect voters and election...

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New technologies’ use in electoral cycle in the focus of the Ukrainian Central Election Commission

On 17 March 2020, the Central Election Commission of Ukraine established a working group to explore the possibilities of introduction of new technologies in Ukrainian electoral process. Headed by the CEC member, Mr. Sergiy Postivyi, the group involves up to 20 representatives of the Central...

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