Înapoi Translation and dissemination of ECHR Judgments

Translation and dissemination of ECHR Judgments

Access to authoritative translations of the judgments and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights is an essential instrument for the effective implementation of the Convention and the Court’s case-law at national level.

On 15 October 2018, the Directorate General of Human Rights and the Rule of Law hosted a roundtable on the ways of facilitating access to the Court’s judgments by judges, law enforcement officials and advocates. The roundtable was a springboard for further reflection and possible up-dating of the Council of Europe standards in this area, notably in the light of new technological advances.

It allowed to compare the experience of several countries (Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania and Russian Federation) and to identify possible needs for further action at national and European level. Among the participants were a judge of the European Court, officials of the Council of Europe, eminent national experts on the Convention and experienced chief-editors publishing the Court’s case-law in national languages.  The Director of Human Rights, Mr Poirel, in his welcoming remarks noted specifically the contribution to the round-table made by different Russian authorities and by the publishing house “Development of Legal Systems”.

The event was moderated by Mr Berestnev, Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of the European Court of Human Rights (a Russian journal), and Mr Pushkar, Head of Division of the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

The interventions, including among others by the Director of Human Rights, the Secretary of the CDDH, the Head of Division responsible for HUDOC and by the Deputy Head of Department a.i. for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court, are available in the links below.

  • Programme
  • Welcoming remarks by Christophe Poirel, Director of Human Rights, Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law
  • Intervention by Michele de Salvia, Former Registrar and Jurisconsult of the European Court of Human Rights
  • Intervention by Stanislav Kovpak, Representative of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
  • Intervention by Norbert Paul Engel, Editor-in-chief, The Human Rights Law Journal
  • Intervention by Denis Davydov, Director General, Development of Legal Systems, Publishing House
  • Intervention by Helen Avakyan, advocate, Representative of the Russian Federal Chamber of Advocates
  • Intervention by Laura Mihăilescu, Head of Unit, Translation Coordination Unit of the European Institute of Romania
  • Intervention by Carmen Morte-Gomez, Head of division, Case-law Information and Publications Division of the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights (HUDOC)
  • Intervention by Svetlana Vasilyeva, Professor, Law Faculty, International Law Department, Russian University of Justice
  • Intervention by Vladimir Zimin, Senior Assistant to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation on special issues
  • Intervention by Urszula Szafrańska, Head of Unit for the Proceedings before the ECHR, Department for International Cooperation and Human Rights, Ministry of Justice of Poland
  • Intervention by Alfonso De Salas,  Head of Division, Secretary of the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH)
  • Concluding remarks by Clare Ovey, Deputy Head of Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights

Strasbourg 17/10/2018
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