CM information documents and Department's memoranda
- CM/Inf/DH(2022)9 - Supervisory role of the Committee of Ministers under Article 46 of the European Convention on Human Rights in respect of developments subsequent to a judgment of the European Court of Human Rights
- H/Exec(2024)19 - Ülke v. Turkey
Memorandum - H/Exec(2024)18 - Khashiyev and Akayeva group v. Russian Federation
Memorandum - H/Exec(2024)17 - Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights against the Russian Federation: measures required in the pending cases
Memorandum - H/Exec(2024)16 - Bucur and Toma v. Romania
Memorandum - H/Exec(2024)15 - Apap Bologna group, Ghigo group and Amato Gauci group v. Malta
Summary of the individual measures taken and outstanding issues - H/Exec(2024)14 - Namat Aliyev group v. Azerbaijan
Summary of the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR recommendations - H/Exec(2024)13 - Kaverzin group, Afanasyev group and Belousov v. Ukraine
Overview of individual measures - H/Exec(2024)12 - Muradova group, Mammadov (Jalaloglu) group and Mikayil Mammadov group v. Azerbaijan
Overview of individual measures - H/Exec(2024)11 - Mozer group v. Russian Federation
Analysis of the measures required to execute these judgments in the light of the Court’s findings and the current factual conditions - H/Exec(2024)10 - UMO Ilinden and Others group v. Bulgaria
Overview of the registration procedures relevant for the individual and general measures - H/Exec(2024)9 - Batı and Others group v Turkey
Memorandum - H/Exec(2024)8 - Batı and Others group v Turkey and Elvan v. Türkiye
Status of execution of the individual measures - H/Exec(2024)7 - Shvets group v. Ukraine
Overview of individual measures - H/Exec(2024)6 - Sukachov, Nevmerzhitsky group, Yakovenko group and Melnik group v. Ukraine
Overview of individual measures - H/Exec(2024)5 - Tsintsabadze group v. Georgia
Summary of the individual measures taken and outstanding issues - H/Exec(2024)4 - Artun and Güvener group v. Turkey
Comparative study on legislation concerning defamation of the Head of State in Council of Europe member States - H/Exec(2024)3 - Öner and Türk group, Işıkırık group, Altuğ Taner Akçam group, Artun and Güvener group and Nedim Şener group v. Turkey
Status of execution of the individual measures - H/Exec(2024)2 - Oleksandr Volkov group v. Ukraine
Overview of the individual measures - H/Exec(2024)1 - Shmorgunov and Others v. Ukraine
Overview of the individual and general measures - H/Exec(2023)15: Muradova v. Azerbaijan group of cases, Mammadov (Jalaloglu) v. Azerbaijan group of cases and Mikayil Mammadov v. Azerbaijan group of cases
Overview of the individual measures - H/Exec(2023)14: Velikova group v. Bulgaria
Analysis of the individual and general measures - H/Exec(2023)13: Kaverzin group, Afanasyev group and Belousov v. Ukraine
Overview of the individual measures - H/Exec(2023)12: Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights against the Russian Federation: measures required in the pending cases
Memorandum - H/Exec(2023)11: Ekimdzhiev and Others v. Bulgaria
Assessment of the system of retention and accessing of communications data - H/Exec(2023)10: Kolevi v. Bulgaria
Analysis of the general measures in the Kolevi case - H/Exec(2023)9: Bucur and Toma v. Romania
Assessment of the legal framework governing secret surveillance measures based on national security considerations - H/Exec(2023)8: Sukachov, Nevmerzhitsky group, Yakovenko group and Melnik group v. Ukraine
Overview of the outstanding individual measures - H/Exec(2023)7: Tsintsabadze group v. Georgia
Summary of the individual measures taken and outstanding issues - H/Exec(2023)6: Oleksandr Volkov group v. Ukraine
Updated summary of the individual measures taken in this group of cases and some outstanding issues as regards indications as to the progress of general measures taken in the transitional period of the judicial reform in 2016 - H/Exec(2023)5: Parascineti, Cristian Teodorescu group and N. group v. Romania
Analysis of the general measures - H/Exec(2023)4: Lyubomir Popov group, Sivova and Koleva group and case of Mutishev and Others v. Bulgaria
Assessment of the general measures - H/Exec(2023)3: Lyubomir Popov group, Sivova and Koleva group and case of Mutishev and Others v. Bulgaria
Assessment of the individual measures - H/Exec(2023)2: Lashmankin and Others group v. Russian Federation
Overview of individual measures - H/Exec(2023)1: Öner and Türk, Nedim Şener, Altuğ Taner Akçam, Artun and Güvener, and Işıkırık groups v. Turkey
Status of execution of the individual measures - H/Exec(2022)21: Volodina group v. Russian Federation
Overview of general measures - H/Exec(2022)20: S.Z. group v. Bulgaria
Analysis of a draft law of November 2022 for the execution of the S.Z. group of cases - H/Exec(2022)19: Kolevi v. Bulgaria
Analysis of the general measures - H/Exec(2022)18: Association for European Integration and Human Rights and Ekimdzhiev and Ekimdzhiev and Others v. Bulgaria
Identification of outstanding questions in the area of secret surveillance - H/Exec(2022)17: Reczkowicz group of cases v. Poland and Broda and Bojara v. Poland
Analysis of the general measures - H/Exec(2022)16: Bucur and Toma v. Romania
Assessment of the legal framework governing secret surveillance measures based on national security considerations - H/Exec(2022)15: Strand Lobben and Others group v. Norway
Overview of individual measures - H/Exec(2022)14: Kakoulli and Isaak groups v. Turkey
Assessment of the information provided on the individual and general measures - H/Exec(2022)13: Străin and Others group and Maria Atanasiu and Others v. Romania
Issues regarding the payment of the just satisfaction - H/EXEC(2022)12: Khashiyev and Akayeva group v. Russian Federation
Overview of individual measures - H/Exec(2022)11: Khashiyev and Akayeva group v. Russian Federation
Overview of the violations and status of execution of the individual measures - H/Exec(2022)10: Deryan group v. Turkey
List of cases against Türkiye including a violation of the Convention on account of the lack of sufficient and relevant reasoning - H/Exec(2022)9: S.Z. group v. Bulgaria
Analysis of the general measures
in Bulgarian (unofficial translation)
- H/Exec(2022)8: Kolevi v. Bulgaria
Analysis of the general measures
in Bulgarian (unofficial translation)
- H/Exec(2022)7: Catan and Others v. Russian Federation
Analysis of the measures required to execute these judgments in the light of the Court’s findings and the current factual conditions concerning the functioning of the Latin-script schools in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. - H/Exec(2022)6: Öner and Türk, Nedim Şener, Altuğ Taner Akçam, Artun and Güvener and Işıkırık groups v. Turkey
Summary of the information provided on the individual measures. - H/Exec(2022)5: Lyubomir Popov and Sivova and Koleva groups and case Mutishev and Others v. Bulgaria
Assessment of the general measures. - H/Exec(2022)4: Lyubomir Popov and Sivova and Koleva groups and case Mutishev and Others v. Bulgaria
Assessment of the individual measures. - H/Exec(2022)2: Lashmankin and Others group v. Russian Federation
Overview of the general measures concerning primarily the violations of the right to freedom of assembly. - H/Exec(2022)1: Lashmankin and Others group v. Russian Federation
Overview of the cases and individual measures concerning primarily the violations of the right to freedom of assembly. - H/Exec(2021)24: Velikova v. Bulgaria
Analysis of the individual and general measures adopted or envisaged. - H/Exec(2021)23: Sukachov, Nevmerzhitsky, Yakovenko and Melnik groups v. Ukraine
Selection of domestic remedies for inadequate conditions of detention deemed in principle effective by the European Court. - H/Exec(2021)22: Sukachov, Nevmerzhitsky, Yakovenko and Melnik groups v. Ukraine
Summary of the individual measures taken so far in the cases in these groups and of the outstanding issues. - H/Exec(2021)21: Kolevi v. Bulgaria
Analysis of recent developments and proposals concerning the investigation of a Chief Prosecutor in Bulgaria. - H/Exec(2021)20: S.Z. v. Bulgaria
Analysis of the general measures in the S.Z. group of cases. - H/Exec(2021)19: Bucur and Toma v. Romania
Assessment of the legal framework governing secret surveillance measures based on national security considerations. - H/Exec(2021)4rev: Selahattin Demirtaş (No. 2) v. Turkey
Sequence of events based on, and following, the facts set out by the Court. - H/Exec(2021)18: Mikheyev group of cases v. Russian Federation
Overview of individual measures. - H/Exec(2021)17: Muradova, Mammadov (Jalaloglu) and Mikayil Mammadov groups v. Azerbaijan
Overview of individual measures. - H/Exec(2021)6rev: Merabishvili v. Georgia
Assessment of certain shortcomings in the investigation conducted by the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia (as renewed in July 2018) into the violations established by the European Court. - H/Exec(2021)16: Kehayov and Neshkov v. Bulgaria
Assessment of the information provided on the individual and general measures. - H/Exec(2021)15: Khashiyev and Akayeva group v. Russian Federation
Overview of individual measures. List of missing persons. - H/Exec(2021)14: Oleksandr Volkov group v. Ukraine
Updated summary of the individual measures taken in this group of cases and some outstanding issues as regards indications as to the progress of general measures taken in the transitional period of the judicial reform in 2016. - H/Exec(2021)13: Kakoulli and Isaak groups v. Turkey
Assessment of the information provided on the individual and general measures. - H/Exec(2021)12: Lashmankin and Others group v. Russian Federation and Navalnyy group v. Russian Federation
Overview of the cases, as well as of the individual measures. These groups primarily concern violations of the right to freedom of assembly. - H/Exec(2021)11: McKerr and McCaughey and Others v. United Kingdom groups
Overview of individual measures. - H/Exec(2021)10: Kavala v. Turkey
Sequence of events prepared by the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. - H/Exec(2021)9: Kolevi v. Bulgaria
Analysis of a legislative reform concerning the investigation of a Chief Prosecutor in Bulgaria. - H/Exec(2021)8: Yuriy Nikolayevich Ivanov and groups of cases Zhovner and Burmych and Others v. Ukraine
Cases examined by the Committee of Ministers concerning the non-enforcement or delayed enforcement of domestic judicial decisions in Ukraine (case of Yuriy Nikolayevich Ivanov against Ukraine and group of cases of Zhovner/ Burmych and Others against Ukraine). - H/Exec(2021)7: Mammadli v. Azerbaijan group of cases (former Ilgar Mammadov v. Azerbaijan group)
Overview of the violations found by the European Court and supervision of the general measures by the Committee of Ministers. - H/Exec(2021)6: Merabishvili v. Georgia
Assessment of certain shortcomings in the investigation conducted by the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia (as renewed in July 2018) into the violations established by the European Court. - H/Exec(2021)5: Varga and Others and István Gábor Kovács group v. Hungary
Revised compensatory remedy for conditions of detention violating fundamental rights – overview and assessment. - H/Exec(2021)4: Selahattin Demirtas v. Turkey (No. 2)
This document provides a basic outline of the sequence of the events before the European Court’s judgment on the Selahattin Demirtas (No. 2) case and the recent developments. - H/Exec(2021)2: Gazsó group v. Hungary
Concept of a compensatory remedy in respect of excessive length of civil proceedings – overview and assessment. - H/Exec(2021)1: Koval and Others, Volokhy and Golovan groups v. Ukraine
Overview of individual measures. - H/Exec(2020)5: Oleksandr Volkov group v. Ukraine
This document provides a summary of the individual measures taken in this group of cases and some outstanding issues as regards indications as to the progress of general measures taken in the transitional period of the judicial reform in 2016. - H/Exec(2020)4: Kavala v. Turkey
This document provides a basic outline of the sequence of the events before and after the European Court’s judgment on the Kavala case. Nothing in this document is binding on the Committee of Ministers or the European Court. - H/Exec(2020)3: Cyprus v. Turkey
The purpose of this document is to present an overview of the implementation of the case of Cyprus v. Turkey as regards the violations related to category 3), the living conditions of Greek Cypriots in northern Cyprus. - H/Exec(2020)2: Khashiyev and Akayeva group v. Russian Federation
This document contains an overview of the current situation and the progress made so far with respect to the individual measures in the cases supervised by the Committee of Ministers in the Khashiyev and Akayeva group against the Russian Federation in those cases in which the events took place after 2006. - H/Exec(2020)1: Groups of cases Muradova, Mammadov (Jalaloglu) and Mikayil Mammadov v. Azerbaijan
This document contains an overview of the current situation and the progress made so far with respect to the individual measures in these cases and indicates the information currently awaited from the Azerbaijani authorities.