May - November 2015

Înapoi Bosnia and Herzegovina hands over chairmanship to Bulgaria

Daniel Mitov and Igor Crnadak

Daniel Mitov and Igor Crnadak

The Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe today passed from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Bulgaria, at a meeting at the Organisation's Strasbourg headquarters, attended by representatives of its 47 member States.

Before handing over the chairmanship to his successor, the outgoing Chair Igor Crnadak, Minister of for Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, gave an overview of his country’s achievements during his chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers.

The new Chair of the Committee of Ministers, Daniel Mitov, Minister of Foreign affairs of Bulgaria, presented the priorities of the Bulgarian chairmanship which will run for six months as of today.

  • Interview with Daniel Mitov:

Secretary General Jagland commended Foreign Minister Crnadak for the successful Chairmanship of Bosnia and Herzegovina during a period of in which Europe faced significant challenges, notably the refugee crisis and the threat of terrorism. He underlined the importance of the Additional Protocol on foreign fighters to the Convention of the Prevention of Terrorism which was opened for signature during the Chairmanship. Minister Crnadak confirmed that the Chairmanship had a positive impact on the country’s European integration process and the promotion of European values.

Committee of Ministers Strasbourg 10 November 2015
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Înapoi The role of religions in fighting extremism

Council of Europe Exchange on building inclusive societies in Sarajevo, 2-3 November
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“Building inclusive societies together”: the role of religions and non-religious beliefs in preventing radicalisation and violent extremism is the focus of the 8th edition of the Council of Europe Exchange on the religious dimension of intercultural dialogue in Sarajevo on 2-3 November.

Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland's keynote speech calls on religious leaders and politicians to speak with one voice to counter the ‘devastatingly simple’ messages used by extremists to radicalise young Muslims. “In Europe, diversity is here to stay. Those who seek to banish Islam or any other religion put us on very dangerous territory. It is the surest way to stoke anger and extremism”, he says.

Following Mr Jagland’s address, contributions are expected from Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, Member of the UK House of Lords and Francesco Ragazzi, International Relations Expert at the University of Leiden, Netherlands.

The Conference is organised under the Chairmanship of Bosnia and Herzegovinia of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers and attended by the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Anne Brasseur, the Minister of the Interior of Austria, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, and the President of the Jewish Community and the President of the Interreligious Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jakob Finci.

Delegates from religious communities and non-religious convictions, representatives of international organisations, NGOs, academics and youth leaders will discuss the role of religion in fighting extremism, its place in public spaces and the “teaching of religions and non-religious beliefs at school”. They will examine current threats to freedom of religion and religious expression (Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights) and take stock of the Council of Europe Action Plan against Violent Extremism and Radicalisation leading to Terrorism.

Council of Europe Strasbourg 30 October 2015
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