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Protecting children from sexual risks online: Council of Europe experts offer quick tips to parents

Council of Europe 17 November 2017 Strasbourg

Ahead of the European Day to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, marked on the 18th of November, the Council of Europe has published a series of online video tutorials to protect children from the new risks of sexual nature they encounter online, and help them safely...

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Lifeline for volunteers helping refugees and migrants

Council of Europe 17 November 2017 Strasbourg

Tens of thousands of volunteers across Europe who are struggling to teach their language and culture to new refugees and migrants have been offered a lifeline. At last, free teaching materials adapted to refugees’ special needs have been developed and are being launched online by the Council of...

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Secretary General Jagland attends Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth

Secretary General 17 November 2017 Strasbourg

Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland is attending a major European Summit to promote fair jobs and growth. The Social Summit is taking place on Friday 17 November in Gothenburg, Sweden, and is jointly organised by the European Commission and the Swedish government. The summit was...

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