Back Towards a recommendation to ban the trade in goods used for torture and the death penalty

Towards a recommendation to ban the trade in goods used for torture and the death penalty

The Committee of Ministers has given its green light to the preparation of a recommendation concerning the trade in goods used for torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and the death penalty.

The Committee of Ministers draws on a feasibility study, prepared by the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH), which highlights the current situation of this type of trade and the existing national and international legal responses.

The study includes an appendix pointing out law enforcement equipment and weapons which are designed to or can be misused to torture and ill-treat people, such as for example body worn electric shock devices, mechanical restraints or kinetic impact weapons, but also the misuse of pharmaceutical chemicals for lethal injection executions.

The study concludes on the need to strengthen international regulations, to ensure that the activities of Council of Europe member States comply with their human rights obligations to prevent torture, ill-treatment and the death penalty.

The CDDH should finalise its draft recommendation by June 2020.

Committee of Ministers Strasbourg 12 February 2020
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Back 50th anniversary of the Pompidou Group

The Council of Europe’s International Co-operation Group on Drugs and Addictions (Pompidou Group) will mark its 50th anniversary at an event that will look back over its history and successes, while also highlighting the importance of placing human rights at the heart of drug policies. Opening statements will be made by Marta Temido, Portuguese Minister of Health, Péter Szijjártó, Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Chair of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and a high-level representative of France (9.30-10.30 a.m.).

The Pompidou Group will announce winners of the 10th European Drug Prevention Prize 2021, which is awarded for addiction prevention projects involving young people at the planning, implementation or evaluation phase (4.30 p.m).

The event will be livestreamed; accreditation is mandatory for journalists who wish to be present.

More information - Programme – Contact/accreditation: Estelle Steiner, tel. +33 6 08 46 01 57

Paris (Centre Pompidou) and online 28 October 2021
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