Atrás Assembly President calls on for increased cooperation with the Congress

Liliane Maury Pasquier

Liliane Maury Pasquier

"Each institution has its own role and its own prerogatives but we are each and every one of us working towards the same objective: to continue the construction of a common area for the protection of democracy, the rule of law and human rights", said the President of the Parliamentary Assembly, Liliane Maury Pasquier, as she addressed the members of the Congress on 4 April 2019 during its 36th session.

On the eve of the 70th anniversary, Ms Maury Pasquier stressed the importance of increased cooperation between the Parliamentary Assembly and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, referring in particular to the contribution to the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the attaining of its sustainable development goals, especially goal 5 on gender equality.

"It is against the backdrop of today's challenges that the Congress has a very important contribution to make to the Council of Europe's thinking on its future", she said. "As local and regional representatives, you have a key relationship with our fellow citizens. Every day, you hear at first hand the concerns and needs they voice at grassroots level", she added. This direct communications channel plays a crucial role in rising to the numerous challenges facing Europe: migratory flows and the welcoming of refugees, the surge in populism, mistrust towards democratic institutions or the escalation of violent extremism.

Video of the statement by Liliane Maury Pasquier

Congress Session Strasbourg 5 April 2019
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