Powrót 2020 Activity Report now available on-line

2020 Activity Report now available on-line

The Secretariat of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme is pleased to announce the release of the 2020 Activity Report of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme.

Revisit some of our last year’s key moments and institutional activities through the 2020 Activity Report, now available for download online here.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic affecting activities Europe-wide, the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme continued to grow during 2020.

Two new certifications, Via Romea Germanica and  European Route of Historic Gardens, brought the Programme to 40 certified Cultural Routes, covering a wide range of European themes, including more than 3000 institutional network members crossing more than 60 countries in Europe and beyond.

With the accession of Sweden in March 2020, the 34 member States of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe further consolidated their support to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme of activities.    

The European Institute of Cultural Routes continued to provide very valuable support the programme’s activities.   

28 April 2021
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