Powrót Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley

Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley / Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta / Région Autonome Vallée d’Aoste

Cultural Route
  • Via Francigena
  • European Route of Megalithic Culture
  • Italy
Member Category
  • Regional Authority
  • Museum
  • Heritage Site
Member Status
Year of Accession to Membership
2015 [Via Francigena] / 2019 [European Route of Megalithic Culture]
Contact Details
Piazza Deffeyes, 1
IT-11100 Aosta

Tel: +39 0165 273 111
Website: www.regione.vda.it
Email: urp[at]regione.vda.it

Area Megalitica di Saint-Martin de Corléans (Saint-Martin de Corléans Megalithic Area)
Corso Saint-Martin-de Corléans, 258
IT-11100 Aosta

Tel: +39 0165 552 420
Website: hwww.regione.vda.it/cultura/patrimonio/siti_archeologici/ st_martin/default_i.asp
Email: beniculturali[at]regione.vda.it
Contact Person
Antonio FOSSON (Presidente) / Gianfranco ZIDDA [European Route of Megalithic Culture] / Carlo BADINO [European Route of Megalithic Culture]
Main Town/Region
Aosta (Aosta Valley)
Site Town/Region
Aosta (Aosta Valley) [European Route of Megalithic Culture]
Main GPS Location
45.735725, 7.319337
Site GPS Location
45.735352, 7.296987 [European Route of Megalithic Culture]
UNESCO World Heritage List
European Heritage Label
Other Heritage Labels
UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List: Via Francigena in Italy (2019) (whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/6382)
Administrative body of the Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley.
The Megalithic Area of Saint-Martin-de-Corléans in Aosta is a multi-layered site whose historical traces range from the Romanesque church to the megalithic structures dating back to the end from the Neolithic era (http://www.megalithicroutes.eu/en/members/megalithic-area-saint-martin-de-corleans). The Megalithic Area is directly managed by the Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley.

With the support of:

Neumünster Abbey, Luxembourg