Новости 2012

Дневник прав человека

Необходимо положить конец ограничениям в отношении защитников прав мигрантов

19/12/2012 Страсбург

Клевета, угрозы, словесные и физические нападки, административные санкции и судебные преследования – все это используется для того, чтобы заставить правозащитников воздержатся от работы с мигрантами и от борьбы с нарастающей волной ксенофобии и расизма в Европе. И это может исходить как от...

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Commissioner’s visit to Greece postponed

[10/12/2012 10:00] The Commissioner's visit to Greece scheduled for 9-13 December had to be postponed because of severe air traffic problems at the Frankfurt airport on Sunday. A new date for the visit in the first months of 2013 should be fixed soon.

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Improvements needed in human rights protection in Ireland

[06/12/2012 10:00] "Several changes in the system for human rights protection are planned or under way in Ireland. The authorities should use this opportunity to strengthen this system and make it more compliant with international standards" said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe...

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Letter to Georgian authorities

Effective measures needed to eradicate ill-treatment and torture in Georgia

04/12/2012 Strasbourg

"The Georgian authorities should address long-standing concerns about ill-treatment of prisoners and other detained persons by public officials and take effective steps to repair the system of accountability. Constant vigilance is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the absolute prohibition...

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Spain: Commissioner concerned about the pardon of police officers condemned for torture

[03/12/2012 10:00] In an interview with the Spanish news agency EFE, the Commissioner expressed his concerns about the decision of the Spanish Government to pardon 5 police officers who were condemned in 2008 for a case of torture. Stressing that torture and other forms of ill-treatment are...

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Country visit

Human rights of Roma and social cohesion should be strengthened, says Commissioner Muižnieks in Skopje

29/11/2012 Strasbourg

"The authorities of "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" should address more vigorously the factors which continue to undermine social cohesion in this multiethnic country. Targeted initiatives should be developed to build trust and promote social interaction between the communities, as...

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Дневник прав человека

Прекратите изгнание рома-цыган. Начните их интегрировать

22/11/2012 Страсбург

В Европе увеличивается количество случаев выселения цыган В последние годы в Европе широко обсуждалось положение рома-цыган. Однако такое внимание к положению одного из наиболее дискриминируемых меньшинств в Европе не сопровождалось достаточно конкретными действиями со стороны правительств....

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Roma segregation remains a serious problem in the Czech Republic

[15/11/2012 15:00] "The "practical schools" in the Czech Republic perpetuate segregation of Roma children, inequality and racism. They should be phased out and replaced by mainstream schools that need to be properly prepared to host and provide support to all pupils, irrespective of their ethnic...

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Enhancing freedom of expression in Azerbaijan

08/11/2012 Baku

At the end of a meeting with the Azerbaijani media on the safety of journalists held yesterday in Baku, Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovic, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media and Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission, stated...

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Дневник прав человека

Государства должны принимать решительные меры для того, чтобы положить конец сегрегации рома-цыган в школах

08/11/2012 Страсбург

Дети рома-цыган сталкиваются с сегрегированным и низкокачественным образованием в школьных системах в большинстве 47 государств-членов Совета Европы. Последствия этого разрушительны. В итоге этим детям в последующей жизни трудно избежать бедности и маргинализации. Отсутствие интеграции порождает...

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Albania should make its legal aid system more accessible

06/11/2012 Strasbourg

"In spite of recent legislative steps aimed at improving the free legal aid system in Albania, concerns remain about its compatibility with the Council of Europe standards in this field" said today the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks, publishing a letter addressed...

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How long must LGBTI persons still wait to live free from prejudice?

17/10/2012 Strasbourg

"The lives of millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex persons are still burdened by widespread prejudice, stigmatisation and in some cases even violence. Many of them are treated as second-class human beings. This situation is unbearable in today's Europe", said the Council of...

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Дневник прав человека

Государства должны делать больше, чтобы защищать женщин от насилия

09/10/2012 Страсбург

Повсюду в мире — и в Европе тоже — женщин избивают и стращают. Чаще всего встречающаяся форма издевательства над женщинами ― насилие в семье, независимо от уклада экономики, религии или культуры. Странно, но во всех странах налицо одобрение насилия в семье и насилия над женщинами. Проблему...

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Country visit report

Finland: protection against discrimination should be strengthened

25/09/2012 Strasbourg

"The Finnish Government has started a timely reform of the national equal treatment legislation. It is now crucial to ensure accessibility of the protection framework to all victims of discrimination and avoid unnecessary fragmentation of equality bodies" said today Nils Muižnieks, the Council of...

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Country visit report

Italy needs to speed up court proceedings and improve the treatment of Roma and migrants

18/09/2012 Strasbourg

"Lengthy proceedings and the treatment of Roma and migrants in Italy raise serious human rights concerns" said today Nils Muižnieks, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, releasing a report based on the findings of his visit to Italy carried out on 3-6 July. "It is high time that...

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Country visit report

Austria should improve the protection of asylum-seekers, women and persons with disabilities

11/09/2012 Strasbourg

"Despite a well-established human rights system, Austria still needs to bridge some remaining gaps, in particular as concerns the rights of asylum-seekers, women and persons with disabilities" said Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks, publishing a report based on the...

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Shoah reminds of need to stay vigilant against intolerance in Europe

[05/09/12 10:00] "The Shoah stands out as one of the defining moments of history that shaped the conscience of mankind. While unique in its roots, implementation and envisioned totality, remembrance of the Shoah has become a central part of our efforts to prevent all crimes against humanity" said...

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The Commissioner concerned about the pardon of Azerbaijani army officer convicted of murder

04/09/2012 Strasbourg

Commissioner Muižnieks expressed today his deep concerns about Azerbaijan's decision to pardon and honour Ramil Safarov, an Azerbaijani army officer who in 2004 brutally murdered Armenian officer Gurgen Markaryan. "Racist crimes must not go unpunished. Violent offences motivated by bias, such as...

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Дневник прав человека

Внутренне перемещенные лица в Европе: еще одно потерянное поколение?

03/09/2012 Страсбург

В СМИ часто говорится о том, что в результате экономического кризиса в Европе появится “потерянное поколение”. Однако в результате тех военно-политических кризисов, которые имели место в прошлом, во многих европейских странах уже борется за свое выживание другой тип “потерянного поколения”. Я...

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Human Rights Comment

Anti-Muslim prejudice hinders integration

24/07/2012 Strasbourg

Muslims in Europe want to interact with other Europeans and participate as full and equal members of society, but regularly face various forms of prejudice, discrimination and violence that reinforce their social exclusion. This is the conclusion of recent research by various international...

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