Назад Bureau Declaration: Ensuring sufficient resources for the Congress statutory and thematic activities

Bureau Declaration: Ensuring sufficient resources for the Congress statutory and thematic activities

The Bureau of the Congress adopted a declaration at its meeting on 11 September 2019 calling for the allocation of sufficient budgetary resources to enable it to carry out its statutory and thematic activities to promote local and regional democracy.

The Bureau welcomed the support expressed by the Committee of Ministers for the Congress' contribution to the Helsinki Ministerial Session in May 2019 as the institution responsible for monitoring the European Charter of Local Self-Government within the Council of Europe.

With a view to the next biennium 2020-2021, the Bureau called on the Committee of Ministers to restore a 3% share of the Organisation's budget for the Congress. The Bureau also called for a budget that is at least based on zero real growth in order to overcome the structural financial difficulties caused by the application of zero nominal growth for the latest budgets.


Congress Bureau Meeting- 11 September 2019
The Bureau of the Congress Strasbourg, France 11 September 2019
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