Назад Kosovo*: The Congress expands its co-operation activities

Kosovo*: The Congress expands its co-operation activities

The Congress has started the implementation of the project “Promoting local democracy in Kosovo*” until December 2021. It will contribute to improve local self-government and the quality of local democracy by fostering multilevel dialogue and strengthening the capacities of local authorities and elected representatives as drivers of change. The project addresses key elements of good governance, including political integrity, public ethics and open government principles.

As a first step, the project will conduct an assessment of the state of implementation in Kosovo* of the principles enshrined in the European Charter of Local Self-Government. To this end, this process will engage all stakeholders and facilitate discussions on ways to further enhance decentralisation and local self-government.

The project was developed and will be implemented in close co-operation with the Association of Kosovo Municipalities, which enjoys the status of Guest Observer with the Chamber of Local Authorities of the Congress, and stems from the discussions on needs and strategic priorities held within the Working Group on Co‑operation between the Council of Europe and Kosovo*.


See also:


*All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

Co-operation 19 October 2020
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