Назад Remote meeting of the 6th Statutory Forum

Remote meeting of the 6th Statutory Forum

The 6th Statutory Forum of the Congress will hold a remote meeting on 12 February 2021 (9.30 – 12.00). Members of the Statutory Forum will examine the “Revision of the Congress Rules and Procedures: provisions relating to ethics” presented by the co-rapporteurs Liisa Ansala (Finland, ILDG), Harald Sonderegger (Austria, EPP/CCE), and Tamar Taliashvili (Georgia, SOC/G/PD), for adoption.

A report on the Monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Hungary, will also be presented for adoption by the co-rapporteurs Marc Cools (Belgium, ILDG) and Jean-Pierre Liouville, (France, SOC/G/PD). Following this debate Dr Miklós Dukai, Deputy State Secretary for Local Government of Hungary, will deliver a statement, followed by an exchange of views with members of the Statutory Forum.

Statutory Forum members will also examine, debate and vote on a report on “Youth work at local and regional levels” presented by the co-rapporteurs Thomas Andersson (Sweden , ILDG) and Ilsur Metshin (Russian Federation , ILDG).

Furthermore, the rapporteur Amelie Tarschys Ingre (Sweden , ILDG) will present her report on “the Status of Capital Cities” for adoption.

The Statutory Forum acts on behalf of the Congress between sessions and is convened upon decision by the Bureau of the Congress. It comprises the Presidents of all national delegations and the members of the Bureau. The outgoing president, the chairs of committees and the presidents of political groups participate without voting rights.

  • The event is open to the public.
  • Agenda
  • Web file of the meeting
  • Interpretation will be provided in English, French, German, Italian and Russian.
Statutory Forum Strasbourg, France 12 February 2021
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